In the wake of the bill, recently signed by Governor Kitzhaber, to recriminalize the possession of personal use amounts (under one ounce) of marijuana in Oregon, signatures are being gathered across the state to halt implementation of the law until a voter referendum in November, 1998. The bill provides for sentences of up to 30 days in jail, as well as a mandatory 6-month suspension of possessors' driver's licenses. In order to forestall the bill's application, Oregonians need to collect 48,841 valid signatures by October 1, 1997. If the signatures are collected, the new law would not go into effect until it could be voted on by the entire state. Oregon was the first state in the union to decriminalize personal possession of marijuana, in 1973. It is very important to reform efforts nationwide that this signature drive be a success. Those wishing to help (volunteers, as well as money are urgently needed), should contact Sandee Burbank, Director of Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse, at Further information is available from Portland NORML at
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