EVENT: Shared Mistakes: Societies Address Mass Incarceration, the Death Penalty and Extrajudicial Killings
Across the world, many countries have imposed draconian legal sanctions, and sometimes illegal sanctions, in response to real or alleged drug law violations. "Shared Mistakes" will focus on the issues of mass incarceration, the death penalty, and extrajudicial killings, with speakers from Malaysia, the Philippines and United States discussing the policies and achieved or hoped-for reforms.
Report: Trump Admin Actually Considering Mexico Attack
Dear friends,Last month Phil wrote about the administration designating Mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups, and the possibility that could be a prelude to staging military attacks inside Mexico. Last week, the New York Times reported they are actually considering it.
Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Drugs (Again)
Trump has again called for executing low-level drug law violators. We're worried there could be more beyond that.
Greetings from Occupied Washington
Soaring criminality in the Trump White house has brought our nation to the brink of a constitutional crisis. But we see reasons for hope. And drug policy reform continues.
Early-Bird Rates for International Harm Reduction Conference Till January 31!
[This guest blog post about the upcoming international harm reduction conference taking place this April in Bogotá, Colombia, was written by Martina Moreira Da Silva, Conference Assistant at Harm Reduction International. We hope to be there, and hope to see you there too! Note that early bird registration rates are available through January 31st.][image:1 align:right caption:true]
Biden Admin Still Working on Fogel Release
Like very many today, we are thrilled by the news of today's prisoner exchange, but disappointed that medical marijuana patient Marc Fogel, an American schoolteacher imprisoned by the Russian government three years, was not included.Sharing some good news, though, that according to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan a few minutes ago, they are still working on his case.
Leila de Lima is Free!
We celebrate the release of former Senator Leila de Lima on bail, and hope for the speedy dismissal of her case.
NEW REPORT: Dangerous Delays: What Washington State (Re)Teaches Us About Cash and Cannabis Store Robberies
For Immediate Release, 12/9/22Contact: David Borden, [email protected]
On International Human Rights Day, UN drugs body silences UN human rights expert on ground-breaking report
News release from our colleagues at the International Drug Policy Consortium:
Our Work on Medical Marijuana at the UN
This post is the first of a series explaining our organization's current work and strategy. One part of that is work at the United Nations.
Philippine Democracy and Human Rights Face a Critical Test This Week
From our Facebook page today:
EVENT: Human Rights Challenge: Judicial and Extrajudicial Drug War Killings, in a Time of Authoritarianism
Human Rights Challenge: Judicial and Extrajudicial Drug War Killings, in a Time of Authoritarianism
VIDEO: Our Protest at the Philippine Embassy Today
We protested today at the Philippine Embassy in Washington, calling for the release of Sen
Statement of ICC Prosecutor on Opening Preliminary Investigations in the Philippines and in Venezuela
The ICC is a long and uncertain road. But this is an important first step for stopping the drug war killings, restoring rule of law, and seeking justice. We commend Ms.
Save Marijuana Legalization
[image:1 align:right]Last week, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions reversed the Cole Memo, Obama-era Dept.
ALERT: Medical Marijuana Is Under Threat -- Tell Congress to Act!
For the first time in years, there's a chance that the federal budget law which has protected medical marijuana won't get reauthorized.