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Prisons Art Gallery -- Eroticon: Erotic Art from Behind Bars

Submitted by dguard on
The Woodhull Freedom Foundation and Prisons Foundation are launching a new annual fundraiser called Eroticon: Erotic Art from Behind Bars. This event is a reception and art auction featuring over 40 works of erotic art created by imprisoned men and women from across America. The pieces range from nudes to erotic pieces, including oils, acrylics, watercolors and pen and inks. Busboys and Poets is the presenting sponsor and generously donating hors d'oeuvres for the event. Proceeds will benefit both foundations and the artists directly. The event is intended to raise awareness about issues of incarceration, rehabilitation, sexual freedom and sexual expression. The evening will begin with a gallery reception at 6 pm featuring background music by classical guitarist and ex-prisoner Dennis Sobin. People will mingle, network, drink wine, and sample hors d'oeuvres provided by Busboys and Poets, and peruse the artwork. Representatives from the Woodhull Freedom Foundation and the Prisons Foundation will speak about the important work each organization does. Afterwards, we will start the art auction, and each piece will go to the highest bidder. There is a $10 entrance fee, which includes wine and food. The nearest metro is McPherson Square on the blue/orange lines and Farragut north on the red line. For further information about the event, please contact Aubrie Dillon at 202-628-3333 or [email protected].

Prison Art Gallery
1600 K Street NW, Washington
Washington, DC
United States