Pablo Escobar |
The CNN special report on
the demise of notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar will air this Sunday, May
25, 8:00pm and 11:00pm EST, and Saturday, May 31, 6:00am, 8:00pm and 11:00pm
EST. While DRCNet has not reviewed the report, if it is complete
then it will include discussion with Gustavo de Greiff, the attorney general
of Colombia who organized the operation that led to Escobar's defeat. Visit
Gustavo de Greiff em Mérida |
Dr. de Greiff is a vigorous
advocate of drug legalization, and was a featured speaker at our Latin
America conference last February, "Out from the Shadows: Ending Drug Prohibition
in the 21st Century." Visit the Out from the Shadows web site at
to read the Week Online interview with de Greiff and to watch the exciting
online video footage of his speech, available in both English and Spanish.
for more about "Killing Pablo."
-- END --
Issue #288, 5/23/03
Editorial: Outrage at Outrages | No Marijuana Possession Law in Ontario, Court Rules -- Cops Vow to Keep Arresting Users Anyway | Hip Hop Nation Set to Rock the Rockefeller Laws -- Mass Protest Set for June 4 if Laws Not Repealed | GOP Effort to Let Drug Czar Propagandize Against Reform Stalled in House Committee | Drug Testing Has No Impact on Student Drug Use, Study Finds | Stop the Murder of Thai Drug Users -- International Day of Action, June 12 | CNN Special Report on "Killing Pablo" | Newsbrief: Rosenthal Loses Motion for New Trial, Sentencing Date Looms | Newsbrief: Medical Marijuana -- Yes in Maryland, No in Connecticut | Newsbrief: "States' Rights to Medical Marijuana Act" Reintroduced | Newsbrief: "Smoke a Joint, Lose Your Student Loan" Bill Introduced in Wisconsin | Newsbrief: House Committee Takes Slap at Needle Exchange | Newsbrief: Garcia Marquez Says Legalize Drugs to End Colombian Violence | Newsbrief: Scotland Yard Chief Says Legalize It | Newsbrief: British Government to Issue Guidelines for Heroin Prescriptions, Pilot Programs Coming Soon | Newsbrief: Australian State to Do Medical Marijuana Trials | Newsbrief: "Indian Hemp" Farmers Shoot It Out With Nigerian Narcs | Media Scan: Cockburn on Rosenthal, Forbes on Buying Initiatives, CNN on Bad Drug Raid | The Reformer's Calendar
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