William Bennett |
Former drug czar and professional
moralist Bill Bennett's gambling jones has cost him $8 million, according
to the Washington Monthly. According to the magazine, "over the last
decade Bennett has made dozens of trips to casinos in Atlantic City and
Las Vegas, where he is a 'preferred customer' at several of them, and sources
and documents provided to The Washington Monthly put his total losses at
more than $8 million."
According to a report in
Newsweek that relied on much the same reporting, more than 40 pages of
internal casino documents show that Bennett, author of the "Book of Virtue,"
received treatment befitting a high-roller, including limousine rides,
"tens of thousands of dollars in complimentary hotel rooms and other amenities."
As well he should: In one two-month period, Bennett wired more than
$1.4 million to one casino to cover his losses.
Bennett told the magazines
he had broken even at gambling, adding "you don't see what I walk away
Gambling is a legal activity,
and no one is suggesting that Bennett has committed any crime, but the
exposure of Mr. Virtue's vice makes his constant -- and well-paid -- harangues
against the vices, sins and moral failures of modern culture ring just
a bit hollow. It also threatens his stature among social conservatives,
many of whom consider gambling a moral issue, or in the words of former
Christian Coalition head Ralph Reed, "a cancer on the American body politic"
that was "stealing food from the mouths of children."
Bennett has denied having
a gambling problem, and likened it to drinking alcohol (although not smoking
marijuana). "I view it as drinking," he said. "If you can't
handle it, don't do it."
That was last week.
On Monday, Bennett released a statement seeking to appease a growing chorus
of critics from conservative groups. "My gambling days are over,"
he said. "It is true that I have gambled large sums of money," Bennett
said in his statement. "I have also complied with all laws on reporting
wins and losses. Nevertheless, I have done too much gambling, and
this is not an example I wish to set."
Ah, sweet schadenfreude.
-- END --
Issue #286, 5/9/03
Editorial: Time for Bill Bennett to Sit Down | DRCNet Interview: Senator Pierre Claude Nolin, Chairman, Canadian Senate Select Committee on Illegal Drugs | Canada Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Cases that Could End Marijuana Laws | Colombia: Pro-Legalization Governor among FARC Hostages Killed in Failed Monday Rescue Attempt | Bolivia Coca Conflict Heating Up Again | Oregon SWAT Raid Victims to File Suit | Tens of Thousands March Worldwide in Annual Million Marijuana March | Newsbrief: Bill "Mr. Virtue" Bennett Outed as Heavy Gambler | Newsbrief: Bush Twins Outed as Tokers by "That '70s Show" Star | Newsbrief: This Week's Corrupt Cop Story | Newsbrief: Baltimore Grand Jury Calls for Regulated Drug Distribution to Addicts | Newsbrief: Sentencing Reform Measures Moving in Colorado | Newsbrief: Rhode Island Bill Allowing Eviction for Drug Possession on the Move | Newsbrief: Minnesota High Court Bars Suspicionless Consent Searches, Questioning of Motorists | The Reformer's Calendar
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