Last week's article on medical
marijuana legislation in Maryland and Vermont incorrectly identified Vermont
Gov. Howard Dean as a Republican. Dean, who opposes medical marijuana,
is a Democrat.
13. Alerts: HEA Drug Provision, Bolivia, DEA Hemp Ban, SuperBowl Ad, Ecstasy Legislation, Mandatory Minimums, Medical Marijuana, Virginia
Click on the links below for information
on these issues and web forms to help you contact Congress:
Repeal the Higher Education Act Drug Provision
US Drug Policy Driving Bolivia to Civil
Oppose DEA's Illegal Hemp Ban
SuperBowl Ad Out of Bounds
Oppose New Anti-Ecstasy Bill
Repeal Mandatory Minimum Drug Sentences
Support Medical Marijuana
Stop Bad Drug War Bills in Virginia
-- END --
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Issue #226, 3/1/02
Editorial: Losing Patience | SSDP "Souder Squad" Bushwhacks Congressman in Home District | DRCNet Launching John W. Perry Scholarship Fund for Students Losing Aid Because of Drug Convictions at NYC Event on March 26 | Oregon State Goes After Leading Medical Marijuana Doctor | DRCNet Interview: Sasha Abramsky, author of "Hard Time Blues: How Politics Built a Prison Nation" | Bush Administration Peers Into Abyss and Blinks: Colombia Military Aid to Stay Restricted to Drug War -- For Now | Monitoring The Future 2001 Study Released: Mixed Results, Say Authors 226/israelidruguse Israeli Drug Use Up, Drug Authority Says: Maybe More Than You Think, Says Green Leaf Party | Prominent Anti-Drug Organization Criticized by Federal Agency for Bogus Underage Alcohol Findings | Weitzel Pain Case on Sixty Minutes, LP Ads Run in USA Today and Washington Times | Resources: Sentencing Project on the Drug War and Welfare Reform, GAO on Alternative Development, NIDA Marijuana Farm, International Narcotics Control Board | Errata: Vermont | Alerts: HEA, Bolivia, DEA Hemp Ban, SuperBowl Ad, Ecstasy Legislation, Mandatory Minimums, Medical Marijuana, Virginia | The Reformer's Calendar
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