Thanks to the continued interest of you, our members and readers, DRCNet's e-mail list this week reached the 20,000 subscriber mark. We are committed to continuing our grassroots focus as the leading and largest drug policy reform information network: Issuing legislative action alerts to flood Congressional offices with thousands of letters and phone calls; Igniting special campaigns such as the student-led Higher Education Act Reform Campaign; and sending you and tens of thousands of activists, media and concerned citizens the Week Online, the most widely read drug policy publication representing our movement and our cause. Speaking of the Week Online, we are considering changing its name, but wanted to first solicit your feedback. Do you think this is a good idea? Do you have any suggestions for new name for this newsletter? The best idea we've had so far is "Drug War Chronicles." Do you think this is a good name that accurately represents our newsletter and will grab the attention of activists and media alike? Please send your comments to [email protected]; we want your input! DRCNet needs your help more than ever to continue our path-breaking work -- especially in the form of non-tax-deductible donations to our lobbying arm to support legislative work such as the Higher Education Act Reform Campaign and our legislative alerts. If you want to help end the drug war, please take a few minutes today to make the most generous donation you can. All contributors will receive a free DRCNet bumper sticker, just back from the printer! Please visit http://www.drcnet.org/drcreg.html to donate by credit card or create a form to print out and mail us with your check or money order; or just send your contribution to: DRCNet, P.O. Box 18402, Washington, DC 20036. Contributions to the Drug Reform Coordination Network are not tax-deductible; tax-deductible contributions for our educational work can be made to the DRCNet Foundation, same address. Take advantage of our new book offer -- "The Politics of Medical Marijuana" by Alan Bock -- by making a donation of $35 or more! Make sure to note the name of the book or author in the comments box or on or with your check, so we will know this is the book you want. (Read our interview with the author at http://www.drcnet.org/wol/179.html#alanbock in the Week Online archives.) Last but not least, help us spread the word! Send your friends, colleagues, acquaintances, family members, all appropriate parties to http://www.stopthedrugwar.org -- so that this week's 20,000 will grow to 50,000, 100,000 or more, a potent, organized political force to bring sanity and compassion to our national and international drug policies. Thank you for being a part of DRCNet.