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Marijuana Policy

Marijuana Policy Subtopics:

Emerald Empire HempFest 2008

The purpose of the Emerald Empire Hempfest is to unite our citizens in calling for sweeping reforms in America's laws against cannabis and hemp.

2007 Harvest Fest

Come join like-minded citizens and North Ohio NORML at the 2007 Harvest Fest, at Chippewa Valley Campground in Seville from October 6-7! Activities will include live music from 1 PM to midnight on October 6, including speaking appearances from activists Tonya Davis, Eleanor Ahrens and Dee Dee Zoretic, as well as NORML attorney Joe Jacobs. There will also be a special tribute to longtime activist Joe Zoretic. Other events include raffles, games, barbecues, and other fun activities in an accommodating atmosphere.

18th Annual Boston Freedom Rally

Please join the Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition/NORML at the 18th Annual Freedom Rally -- Captain Parker's "Stand your ground" is this year's theme. Featured entertainment and speakers are listed here

Third Annual Portland Hempstalk

Come to the 3rd Annual Portland Hempstalk! We have two days to celebrate nature's most perfect plant, cannabis hemp. This event is to protest the failed policy of marijuana prohibition that denies medicine to the sick and disabled, takes jobs from our farmers and industries, keeps deserving students out of college, imprisons peaceful responsible people, tears apart families, creates violent criminal gangs, diverts tax money into an underground black market, and threatens our environment.

Austin Freedom Fest

Benefit concert supporting MPP, NORML and WAMM, featuring Willie Nelson, Asleep at the Wheel, Jackie "The Jokeman" Martling, Carolyn Wonderland, Paula Nelson, Mark Stepnoski and others to be announced.

Drug Czar Walters' Press Conference on Operation Alesia, Marijuana Eradication Initiative

This is a rare chance to meet the other side head-on and show your discontent with wasteful, ineffective marijuana eradication programs and the Drug Czar and his policies generally. John P. Walters, Director of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) will be in Shasta County, California to conduct a marijuana eradication site visit as well as to attend the kickoff of a Federal, State and local law enforcement marijuana eradication initiative, Operation Alesia, a three-tiered marijuana eradication initiative coordinated by the California National Guard's Counterdrug Taskforce and the Shasta County Sheriff's Office.

Madison (WI) NORML Meeting

Please join fellow friendly folks for this important meeting. It will focus on medical cannabis with very special guest Jacki Rickert and others.