Drew Carey Kicks It with Steph Sherer
In this second episode of The Drew Carey Project, released on Reason.tv, Drew interviews ASA Executive Director Steph Sherer and takes a look at federal interference with medical cannabis dispensing in California.
Check out the video at: www.AmericansForSafeAccess.org/DrewCarey
The video is the second episode of a joint project between Drew and Reason, The Drew Carey Project. Its mission is to create âa series of video documentaries that take a hard look at the variety of threats to our liberties -- and celebrate what it really means to be free.â
In the video, Steph shares her story with Drew and talks about how her own experiences led to her founding of Americans for Safe Access. Drew also visits a Los Angeles dispensary and goes on to interview Steve Whitmore, spokesperson for the LA County Sheriffâs Department, as well as Bill Leahy, Vietnam vet and medical marijuana patient.
Share this episode of the Drew Carey Project with your friends and family! We know medical cannabis improves the lives of millions of people and we know that the federal interference with state medical marijuana laws is outrageous. But unless we share Drew's report with friends and family who might not support our views or who might not feel as passionately as we do, we will lose a great opportunity to reach out and educate people about medical cannabis and the threats facing patients nationwide. So please forward this email and share Drew Careyâs report on Medical Marijuana!
Enjoy watching Drewâs report at www.AmericansForSafeAccess.org/DrewCarey and please remember to share it!
Thank you,
Rebecca SaltzmanChief of Staff
Americans for Safe Access
P.S. The only way we can continue our work and educate people about medical cannabis is with support from people like you. Please visit www.AmericansforSafeAccesss.org/Donate today to become a member of ASA.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International