Alert: Stop the DEA Subversion of Elections (DrugSense)

Submitted by David Borden on
STOP THE DEA SUBVERSION OF ELECTIONS *********************PLEASE COPY AND DISTRIBUTE************************* DrugSense FOCUS Alert #335 - Tuesday, 29 August 2006 Sunday we learned that the Drug Enforcement Agency is encouraging its agents to use government time and equipment to oppose the Colorado marijuana initiative. They claim that this action is legal, not a violation of the Hatch Act. Our government considers the direct government interference by the governments of other countries in their elections to be unfair -- an ethical standard which should apply equally in the United States. Please contact your elected representatives at both federal and state level to demand that the DEA and the Office of National Drug Control Policy, including the Drug Czar, refrain from the subversion of the initiative and referendum process in the cities and states where marijuana initiatives will be on the ballot. Our tax dollars should never be used to undermine initiatives. Please also contact the DEA offices in your area to let them know what you think of their unethical political activities. Phone numbers are on this webpage You may remind them that the news reports puts the lie to their often stated position that they only enforce the laws - that they do not write the laws. The article, reprinted in other Colorado newspapers, that exposed DEA Agent Michael Moore's unethical activities is at Please also do what you are able to do to support the various marijuana related initiatives. Below is a list of initiatives pending a vote at the state and local level. Please use the links to find out how to donate or otherwise support the initiatives. Thanks for your effort and support.
It's not what others do it's what YOU do

CALIFORNIA: Santa Barbara Lowest Law Enforcement Priority Policy Ordinance Santa Cruz Lowest Law Enforcement Priority Policy Ordinance Santa Monica Lowest Law Enforcement Priority Policy Ordinance COLORADO: The Colorado Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative MICHIGAN: The Flint Coalition for Compassionate Care will have a medical marijuana initiative on the ballot in first city wide election of 2007, possibly in February or May. Details will be posted to this webpage when they are available MONTANA: The Missoula County Lowest Law Enforcement Priority initiative has just been approved for the November ballot NEVADA: Question 7 on the Nevada ballot SOUTH DAKOTA: The only state wide medical marijuana initiative on the ballot this year
Notes: Updates on local initiatives will be added to this webpage as we receive additional information Your letters to the editor help move public opinion towards supporting change in marijuana policies and law. Every day new targets for your letter writing efforts may be found at
Prepared by: Richard Lake for DrugSense
Permission to Reprint: This content is licensed under a modified Creative Commons Attribution license. Content of a purely educational nature in Drug War Chronicle appear courtesy of DRCNet Foundation, unless otherwise noted.

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