Third Annual Portland Hempstalk

Submitted by dguard on
Come to the 3rd Annual Portland Hempstalk! We have two days to celebrate nature's most perfect plant, cannabis hemp. This event is to protest the failed policy of marijuana prohibition that denies medicine to the sick and disabled, takes jobs from our farmers and industries, keeps deserving students out of college, imprisons peaceful responsible people, tears apart families, creates violent criminal gangs, diverts tax money into an underground black market, and threatens our environment. Friendly vendors will offer food, drink, hemp clothing, and hemp merchandise. Talented bands will entertain the masses. Enlightened speakers will educate on medical marijuana, industrial hemp, and consumer cannabis Speakers include Tommy Chong as special guest and emcee, THCF Clinic founder, Paul Stanford, Madeline Martinez, Paul Loney and Russ Belville from Oregon NORML and many other cannabis and hemp activists. Bands include Los Marijuanos, Tim Pate, Binghi & the Seventh Seal, State of Jefferson, Latenight Freakout Odyssey, Dylan Brewer, Equal Eyes and more. The event is ABSOLUTELY FREE FOR EVERYONE! For more information, please contact THC Foundation at 503-281-5100 or

Sellwood-Riverside Park
SE Spokane Street & Oaks Parkway -- banks of Willamette River
Portland, OR
United States

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