Update on Moscow Marijuana Rally Free Speech Violations

Submitted by David Borden on
Following is an update from Moscow on the police brutalization and free speech violation committed by authorities against marijuana march participants. (Click here to read the first update received this weekend.) - Dave Dear sisters and brothers! Thank you for your assistance and attention to Russian problems with human rights. Below there is new information about events with cruel breaking up of Marijuana march in Moscow: All cannabis activists were unlawfully sentenced by Moscow district court! As I earlier informed all arrested cannabis activists were delivered at The Presnentsky administrative district court of Moscow City. Not only participants of Marijuana march were accused but also other people who were sympathized them. The Judge has worked during the whole night without the rest. She has hypocritically convicted demonstrators according to The Russian Administrative law for the propaganda of drugs (...and bla-bla-bla). No one of councels for the defence was allow in the process. Finally some of activists were sentenced for 15 days of arrest. Other ones were nominated money fine. On juridical commentary all accusations are unlawfully. There are not simply disproportionate sentences, but sentences absolutely fixed by lawlessness. Here is that Ivan Ninenko who is the protector of activists has told: I just returned from the court versus delayed on the March for Legalize MJ and people who sympathized them near police department named "ARBAT". They all were accused according articles 19.3 (non-obedience to legal requirements of employees to militias), 6.13 (propaganda of narcotics) and 20.2 (overset of undertaking of meeting, demonstration and picketing). The judge listened the case during the whole night from 9 P.M. to 9 A.M. Total: Three girls - a fine on 4500 rubles. Sergey Konstantinov - 15 days of arrest and the fine on 3500 rubles. To every another 6 lads (list later) - 10 day of arrest and the fine on 3500 rubles. Now I'm going to sleep because I'm very tired. Such unlawfulness that I never saw! Brothers and sisters, friends, this is never mind what kind of the march is this and as you are to take to it. More so, some guys were delayed not on the march, but beside a police department "Arbat". BUT it is IMPORTANT to spread this information over the World into the name of God and for liberties of people and human right. Please, put this letter and other links on your LJ blogs, the forum conferences, or WebPages. All people must hear ABOUT THESE UNDOUBTEDLY ILLEGAL actions of Moscow militias. We all hope that they will carry responsibility for this! You may organize: 1. The action of solidarity beside Russian embassies, consulates and representations with requirements to free cannabis activists. Moreover it is very important on Action to raise a voice not for the hemp, but against cops bestialities. In the insulator there are people without defence councels. 2. To call Phones and faxes of Russia embassies. See below Richard Lake advice: In the United States there is a Russian Consulate in Washington, D.C., New York, Houston, Seattle and San Francisco. Please see for address and phone numbers: http://www.russianembassy.org/consulat/contact.htm The location and contact information for Russian embassy and consulate offices worldwide may be accessed from this page: http://www.russianembassy.net/ 3. To call Phones and faxes of Russia in Moscow straight: +7 495 684-42-36 - an insulator, where keeping imprisoned people now. Presently the most important, so that defence councels can come to the delayed activists in the insulator. Also they need Public prosecutor (or attorneys), because there are repressions. Sergey Konstantinov who was sentenced for 15 days arrest is keeping hunger strike. + 7 495 2009305; 2008510; 2008924; Fax: 9732041. This numbers are telephones of Head service of investigation of Moscow, Petrovka street, 38. It is necessary to call them and talk about cops bestialities in police department and that sentenced activists are requiring defence councels, which do not allow. You may surf on Marijuana march organizers Website http://www.legaliz.info/ You can read last reporting on http://community.livejournal.com/legal_team/ ; http://blancanevies.livejournal.com/432177.html; http://sportloto80.livejournal.com/92719.html; http://gazeta.ru/2007/05/05/oa_238380.shtml Unfortunately only in Russian. But there are many photos. You also can write to me [email protected] or call in my mobile telephone 8 916 980 8590, or meet in ICQ # 291099002 as well as to protector Ivan Ninenko [email protected]; mob: 8-926-568-4583; icq 299200108 God bless you and bless us all, Eugene Kazachenko
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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/trenches/2007/may/07/update_moscow_marijuana_rally_fr