This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Submitted by Phillip Smith on
Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy

A DEA agent and his task force buddy get convicted of thievery, a Louisiana town cop gets busted for taking bribes from a drug dealer, and more. Let's get to it:

[image:1 align:right]In Pearl, Mississippi, a state prison guard was arrested June 10 for smuggling drugs into the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility. Guard Brenda Denise Hicks is charged introducing contraband, possession of methamphetamine, trafficking methamphetamine and extortion.

In Kaplan, Louisiana, a Kaplan police officer was arrested and fired June 17 for taking bribes from a drug dealer. Former Officer Mitchell Guidroz allegedly took $500 from a local drug dealer to ignore his activities. He now faces charges of public bribery and malfeasance in office.

In Cordele, Georgia, a Crisp County sheriff's detention officer was arrested Tuesday for allegedly smuggling drugs and cigarettes into the Crisp County Detention Center, Jhayvion Smith, 20, now a former guard, went down after he was spotted "exchanging items" with a person in the detention center parking lot. He is charged with bringing contraband across guard line to inmates, possession of a controlled substance, and violation of oath by public officer.

In New Orleans, a former DEA agent  and a former DEA task force officer were found guilty June 15 in a long-running scheme to rip-off cash and personal property from people he had arrested on drug charges Former Agent Chad Scott, 53, and task force member Rodney Gemar, 45, repeatedly stole the personal property of arrestees instead of logging it in as evidence. They also took money from the pockets of arrestees, lifted it out of wallets, and skimmed money off cash seizures made by the DEA. Two other former Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies who had been serving as DEA task force officers in New Orleans have pleaded guilty in this investigation. Karl Emmett Newman, 54, pleaded guilty to unlawfully carrying a firearm in furtherance of an August 2015 robbery, which was disguised as the execution of a search warrant, as well as misappropriating money confiscated by the DEA during another search. Johnny Domingue, 32, pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine and misappropriating money confiscated by the DEA.

In Spokane, Washington, a former state prison guard was sentenced June 10 to two months in prison after being convicted of smuggling drugs into the Airway Heights Correction Center last July. Former guard Michael Mattern, 46, got caught with 200 strips of Suboxone, the prescription medication used to treat opioid addiction that can also be abused. Investigators also found him in possession of 14.6 grams of methamphetamine and 2.9 grams of heroin at the prison. The drugs were hidden in a tobacco tin inside his lunch box.

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Bill Brown (not verified)

And to think that of all crimes about 10% are ending in arrest, of that about 25% are ending in conviction and of all convictions  about 25% never serve one day behind bars.

Thu, 07/01/2021 - 8:24am Permalink
GARY Tate (not verified)

The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff falsified a sex offender registration to charge Gary Tate and has a rogue Judge Jeffery J. Johnson to carry on the alleged charges.


                                                     Gary Tate 

Sun, 10/17/2021 - 7:52pm Permalink
GARY Tate (not verified)

All my records I received so far have been altered, trying to obtain my records to be inspected have not been produced by the court. Judge accused me of art. 571.1 a child predator article and I spoke up right then and stated to the judge that it was a grown woman a prostitute in my case.

Judge rerefued to correct the error and judge then moved forward and file his decision to the First Circuit Court of Appeals that I relied on the child article commtting intentional fraud upon the court and the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court failed to reverse it, only one judge ruled he would have granted my Writ.

Now the judge wants to take me to trial without a preliminary hearing, and its my Constitutional and Statutory right that I have this hearing, which 2 motions for this hearing was filed in 2017, I'm in my 6th years of court. Judge Johnson refuses to follow the law. Judge has set a trial date for October 25, 2021, and the clerks have broaudly altered my court records.

The court does not or has not produced the false registration to me the defendant to date so therefore the court lacks jurisdiction to try this case. Additionally, the DA knows he filed the charges untimely and I just filed a Motion to Dismiss September 7, 2021, have not herard back on the motion and there can be no trial until the court or district attorney preduces the alleged registration.

I Gary Tate submitted a pro se appeal the 1st Cir. and the Supreme Court on his old COURT ORDER OF 1991 were the 1st Cir. overturned my case, vacated and remanded back to the district court, however, the appeal court or the Supreme Court refuse or did not answer the issue and denied my appeal and its a major Constitional violation of my rights.

 COURT ORDER is still unresolved denying due process.


                                                                   Gary Tate

Sun, 10/17/2021 - 10:26pm Permalink
GARY Tate (not verified)

I just read my prior post and I forgot to mention that the records I am trying to obtain is the court recordings and when they are inspected by a audio forensic expert I rthink the judge could be facing crimial charges in this matter, iccluding clerk Beverly Wesley and other clerks who have altered my records came be facing criminal charges in the very near future. 

The court is supose be fair and impartcial to a defendant,and the sheriff's deparment staff should not be arresting Gary Tate over and over for the same charge,  and falsifying a sex offender registration to set me up in a court of law. 

This is not China, this is the United States of America.

The sheriff and judge should obey our laws, including the state appeal courts.

Mon, 10/18/2021 - 4:29am Permalink

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