This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Submitted by Phillip Smith on
Drug War Issues

A Northern California town pays big-time for some reefer-stealing rogue officers, a New York City narc gets a little too drunk for his own good, and more. Lete's get to it:

[image:1 align:left]In New York City, an NYPD narcotics officers was arrested Friday after drunkenly harassing a women, punching a bartender, fighting with a security guard, and shooting his gun inside a Williamsburg bar. Officer Steven Abreu, 31, now faces a charge of attempted murder, assault, reckless endangerment, menacing, criminal mischief and harassment." He's been freed on supervised release.

In Rocky Ford, Colorado, a Rocky Ford police officer was arrested Tuesday for allegedly trying to sell marijuana that he had seized. Officer James Lopez, 56, had seized the marijuana, but instead of turning it in, took it to a friend's house and packaged it for sell. He faces charges of distribution of a controlled substance and official misconduct.

In Rohnert Park, California, the Rohnert Park Police Department agreed to a $1.5 million settlement to a set of drivers who had marijuana unlawfully seized from them by a group of rogue Rohnert Park police officers. The pay-out settles eight different lawsuits from drivers who claimed the officers robbed them out cash and marijuana. The officers were led by former drug enforcement partners Brandon “Jacy” Tatum and Joseph Huffaker, who stopped drivers on US Highway 101 far outside of the city limits. Those two officers have escaped any criminal charges, but are no longer with the department.

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