Chronicle AM: Senate Push to Ease Pot Banking Issues,WV Opioid Bill Advances, More... (3/9/18)
An amendment to a Senate banking bill could help the marijuana industry, West Virginia passes a bill restricting opioid prescriptions, a bill to expand Maine's medical marijuana system advances, and more.
[image:1 align:right caption:true]Marijuana Policy
Senate Push to Ease Marijuana Banking Problems. A bipartisan group of senators led by Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) has filed an amendment to a banking bill that would bar federal officials from punishing financial institutions "solely because the depository institution provides or has provided financial services to a cannabis-related legitimate business." The measure would be added onto a bill that aims to undo some of the restrictions imposed on financial institutions as part of the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, which was passed in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.
Wisconsin Democratic Gubernatorial Candidates Chase Marijuana Voters. In a crowded Democratic primary field, candidates are making serious efforts to woo voters interested in marijuana legalization. Candidates Matt Flynn and Mike McCabe both spoke at a Southeastern Wisconsin NORML event last month, Mahlon Mitchell and state Rep. Dana Wachs have issued position papers calling for legalization, Andy Gronik and Tony Evers have said they would sign on to legalization if approved by the voters, and Paul Soglin says he supports it if it is done "carefully."
Medical Marijuana
Florida Bill to Let Black Farmer Get in on Growing Medical Marijuana Passes Senate. The Senate on Thursday approved House Bill 6049, which would allow black farmer Columbus Smith to receive a medical marijuana growing license even though he is not a member of the Black Farmers and Agriculturists Association. The state's medical marijuana law had required it to give one license to a member of the association in a bid to increase racial diversity, but this bill deletes that provision. It has already passed the House and now awaits the signature of Gov. Rick Scott. (R).
Indiana CBD Bill Loses In-State Manufacturing Provision.Two CBD cannabis oil bills, House Bill 1214 and Senate Bill 52, have passed both chambers, but after Gov. Eric Holcomb (R) said he didn't want manufacturing legalized, legislative leaders stripped that provision from the bills in conference committee Thursday.
Maine Medical Marijuana Expansion Bill Advances. The Health and Human Services Committee voted Wednesday to approve a bill that eliminates patient limits for registered caregivers and allows patients to possess up to eight pounds of harvested cannabis. Caregivers and dispensaries could carve out a larger sales market under the bill, which removes a list of qualifying medical conditions, such as epilepsy. The bill doesn't eliminate a cap on the number of medical marijuana dispensaries, but does allow six new dispensary licenses. It now faces House and Senate floor votes.
Heroin and Prescription Opioids
West Virginia Opioid Bill Passes. The House of Delegates gave final approval Thursday to Senate Bill 273, which seeks to reduce opioid use by limiting the number of pain pills doctors can prescribe. The bill now goes back to the Senate for approval of minor changes in the House before heading for the desk of Gov. Jim Justice (D), who requested it.
(This article was prepared by's 501(c)(4) lobbying nonprofit, the Drug Reform Coordination Network, which also pays the cost of maintaining this web site. DRCNet Foundation takes no positions on candidates for public office, in compliance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and does not pay for reporting that could be interpreted or misinterpreted as doing so.)
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