TONIGHT: Marijuana Legalization Initiatives Teleconference
[image:1 align:right][Please join us tonight! Updated agenda below] is pleased to announce our first teleconference, featuring the initiative campaigns in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington State to enact regulatory (legalization) systems for marijuana. Please join us by phone or Skype on Thursday, September 27, 6:00pm PST / 9:00pm EST -- call (805) 399-1200 and enter access code 135516. We will discuss what the initiatives do, what their prospects are for passage and for fueling further reform, and what people can do to get involved.
The following exciting speakers have agreed to join us:
- Oscar Eason, Jr., NAACP Alaska/Oregon/Washington State Area Conference
- Alison Holcomb, New Approach Washington
- Paul Stanford, Oregon Cannabis Tax Act
- Steve Fox, Marijuana Policy Project (coordinating Colorado efforts)
- Tony Ryan, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Moderated by David Borden, executive director of, and joined by Drug War Chronicle writer/editor Phillip S. Smith.
Please RVSP here on our Facebook event page or our evite, and please spread the word! We will accept questions by email, now and during the teleconference -- send them to [email protected].
Please stay tuned also for announcements of additional teleconferences to discuss the upcoming state medical marijuana initiatives, prospects for reform in Congress next year, and other topics. If you are not already subscribed to the Drug War Chronicle newsletter, you can subscribe here -- follow us on Facebook and Twitter too.
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A bit off subject
Darn. Hey Scott, next
Darn. Hey Scott, next teleconference lets us know up at Pete's Couch, or message me on facebook. I'm really sorry I missed it. I guess I don't get back here as much as I used to. Thanks, d.c.
too cool
Wow. I guess you nattering nabobs of nimbyism have better things to do than answer my question. Scared?
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