Dismayed But Unbowed -- Take Action Today to Save Medical Marijuana

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #729)
Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy

[inline:oaksterdam-raid-changedotorg.jpg align=left caption="DEA agents raiding Oaksterdam University"]Dear StoptheDrugWar.org supporter:

In 2008, candidate Barack Obama pledged to respect the right of state and local governments to provide access to medical marijuana for patients, a policy the Dept. of Justice under President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder later put in writing. As you likely know by now, the Dept. of Justice under Obama and Holder has not lived up to that promise, but instead has engaged in a campaign of raids, intimidation and misinformation. Last week, rogue US Attorney Melinda Haag went even further over the top, not only raiding alleged medical marijuana locations in the famous "Oaksterdam" neighborhood, but even attacking institutions like Oaksterdam University and the Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum that don't distribute marijuana.

I'm writing today to ask you three small things:

  1. Sign Oaksterdam founder Richard Lee's change.org petition.
  2. Send a letter to President Obama through StoptheDrugWar.org. This is important so we know who on our list is motivated to help save medical marijuana and what Congressional and state legislative districts you live in.
  3. Pledge to stay tuned to our web site and email list for further actions needed in the campaign to save medical marijuana.

We are dismayed that the Justice Department has flouted the promise President Obama and Attorney General Holder made to patients and their states and cities. But we are unbowed, and we are fighting back -- because time and the truth are on our side. Thank you for your support at this critical moment.


David Borden, Executive Director
Washington, DC

P.S. Help StoptheDrugwar.org fight to save medical marijuana with a generous donation for our work. Feel free to select one of the books, videos or StoptheDrugWar.org gift items that we currently offer when you do.


Cara (not verified)

Seriously. Educate, regulate, medicate and legalize!! I would very much like to attend Oaksterdam and help spread the love and the knowledge. California voted it in. Live and let live. Don't promote ignorance. -Cara
Tue, 04/24/2012 - 12:49am Permalink
Anonymousc (not verified)

As a drug it usually comes in the form of dried flower buds (marijuana), resin (hashish), or various extracts collectively known as hashish oil. In the early 20th century, it became illegal in most of the world to cultivate or possess Cannabis for sale or personal use.

Mon, 05/14/2012 - 6:26am Permalink

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2012/apr/09/dismayed_unbowed_take_action_tod