Attn: Medical Marijuana Community Members
Please join Sensible Colorado in speaking out for patient privacy on January 27 and 28 at the Colorado Dept. of Revenue hearing. While the Dept. of Revenue considers the most comprehensive medical marijuana distribution system in history, it is crucial that Department officials hear from patients and advocates about the importance of maintaining patient privacy and closely guarding patient health records. That's where we need YOU! (Note suggested "talking points" below). When: Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011 and Friday, Jan. 28, 2011at 9:00am Where: Jefferson County Justice Center, Administration and Court Facility, Hearing Room 1, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, CO 80419 Talking Points on Patient Privacy - “My patient status, including any diagnosis, is private. The state legislature should take as many steps possible to keep these records confidential. I suggest extending the privacy requirements and fines that the constitutional amendment created for the Dept. of Health to the Dept of Revenue.”
- “To protect patient privacy, the Dept. of Revenue should minimize the number of individuals that have access to medical files and should take steps to instruct employees not to cooperate with federal authorities. “
- “Many patients need dispensing centers for safe and legal access to their medicine. State law already requires that the only people utilizing these centers are qualifying patients and caregivers. Video surveillance of patients as they enter these centers will have a chilling effect on patient acccess.”
**Please support Sensible Colorado my becoming a monthly donor today. See you at the hearing! |