MPP Seeks Help Gathering Signatures in Missoula--they need 11,000 in three weeks
Here's the text of the email they sent out today:
Help urgently needed to put marijuana initiative on Missoula County ballot
Marijuana Policy Project grant recipient Citizens for Responsible Crime Policy (CRCP) only has three weeks remaining to collect signatures for an initiative that would urge Missoula County law enforcement officers to make adult marijuana offenses the countyâs lowest law enforcement priority, and they still need 11,000 more signatures!
If they donât get your help collecting signatures, Missoula County residents may not have a chance to vote on the initiative in November. And Missoula law enforcement officers will continue arresting and prosecuting adult marijuana users. There was an arrest for marijuana-related offenses in Missoula every 33 hours last year. The government will continue wasting its time and your tax dollars pursuing non-violent adult marijuana users, unless you get involved now!
There are several ways that you can help CRCP.
1) Sign up to be a petitioner. You can earn $1.00 per valid signature that you collect from now until August 24. You will be able to work with other CRCP petitioners and have the opportunity to meet people working to improve Montanaâs marijuana laws. All you have to do is stop by the CRCP office in Missoula at Higgins Plaza, 415 North Higgins, #13, to get the necessary materials. You can also contact CRCP at [email protected] or (406) 721-3000, ext. 1420, to find out more information about becoming a petitioner.
2) Petition at the Western Montana Fair. CRCP will have a booth at the Western Montana Fair in Missoula from 11:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. everyday from Tuesday, August 8 through Sunday, August 13. By working at the booth, you get free admission to the fair and $1.00 per valid signature you collect! If you want to help out at the fair, please contact CRCP at [email protected] or (406) 721-3000, ext. 1420.
3) Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to get involved as well. CRCP needs help from anyone who is able to help during the next three weeks. You donât even need to be from Missoula. So, if you know anyone who wants to reform our marijuana laws, please let them know that CRCP needs them.
This is your chance to be a part of major marijuana reform. Getting this initiative on the ballot in Missoula will be the first step to rethinking marijuana prohibition throughout the state.
Letâs give Missoula County voters the opportunity to say no to the war on marijuana users! Please contact CRCP to get involved today.
This alert is Paid for by Citizens for Responsible Crime Policy, Treasurer Paul Befumo, P.O. Box 8022, Missoula, MT 59807.
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