Stand Up to Big Alcohol (Action Alert)

Submitted by dguard on

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The alcohol industry is fueling the campaign to defeat Proposition 19in California so that adults cannot make the safer choice to use marijuana.

According to campaign finance reports, the California Beer and Beverage Distributors State Issues Committee donated $10,000 to the campaign to defeat Proposition 19, the initiative that would establish a legal and regulated marijuana market and provide adults with a safer recreational alternative to alcohol. 

We understand why Big Alcohol wants to protect its turf and keep Californians drinking; but why does the No on Prop. 19 campaign -- which is calling itself "Public Safety First" -- share this goal?

Click on the button below or visit send a message to the head of the No on Prop. 19 campaign, calling on him to explain why the campaign is working with Big Alcohol to drive Californians to drink.  Then visit the campaign's website -- -- and find out how you can help bring about a victory this November.

You will be redirected to the Yes on 19 website after taking action!


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