Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey, Inc. Monthly Public Meeting

Submitted by dguard on
Please join us! Here's the agenda: 7:00 PM: Call meeting to order, approve May 2010 minutes, discuss: The New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act is scheduled to take effect in July 2010. Gov. Christie asks for 6 -- 12 month delay. Rally & Press Conference scheduled for Friday, June 4, 2010 at 1:00 PM on the State House steps in Trenton! Please support CMMNJ's effort in this. Also, tell NJ state officials to implement the law as written. Contact Governor Christie here: (Choose "Health & Senior Services" as your e-mail topic) Contact NJ DHSS (Health) Commissioner Alaigh here: The new law can be found here: Info about the new law from NJ DHSS is at: CMMNJ is forming Patient Advisory Groups to add qualifying conditions to the law. ATC Advisory Board also formed by CMMNJ. New Jersey State Nurses Assn. Medical Marijuana Breakfast cancelled. The event had been scheduled for 6/3/10 @ 9:30 AM at NJSNA Headquarters, Trenton, NJ. Upcoming CMMNJ events: Gay Pride Parade 6/6/10, Asbury Park, NJ; Southern Shore Music Festival, 6/19/10, Bridgeton, NJ, noon to 8 PM; Project Freedom Wellness Fair, Lawrence Twp., 6/22/10 3 pm to 7 pm; MS Patients Support Group in Livingston, NJ, 7/12/10 @ 7 pm; Dingbatz in Clifton, NJ, 7/31/10, 8pm--12 MN; NJ League of Municipalities, 11/15-18/10. Treasury report: Checking: $2,789.79; PayPal: $2640.34. Tax-deductible donations to CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity may be made through Paypal on our web site, or send a check made out to "CMMNJ" to the address below. Get a free t-shirt for a donation above $15—specify size. CMMNJ's scheduled meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at the Lawrence Twp. Library from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM. All are welcome. Snacks are served. The library is at 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., Tel. #609.882.9246. (Meeting at the library does not imply their endorsement of our issue.) For more info, contact: Ken Wolski, RN, MPA, 219 Woodside Ave., Trenton, NJ 08618, tel: (609) 394-2137, e-mail: [email protected]

Lawrence Township Library
2751 Brunswick Pike
Lawrence Township, NJ
United States

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