Happy 4/20

Submitted by smorgan on

As support for marijuana prohibition continues to hemorage and calls for legalization reverberate louder than ever before, the 4/20 marijuana holiday has become much more than the official day to get stoned. Recent years have brought frenzied media coverage and cable TV specials, in addition to the famed improptu pot parties that just seem to escalate each year. It's a phenomenon, the very existence of which perfectly humiliates the great drug war army. Today we celebrate the culture that thrives despite decades of persecution and renew our commitment to the fight for freedom. A few links:

*Norm Stamper wants all you 4/20 revelers to Put Down That Joint and Pick Up a Pen, although maybe I should have mentioned this to you earlier in the day. Do not, I repeat, do not send letters to the editor if you're stoned off your ass.

*D.C.'s medical marijuana law takes another big forward step. This was a bit of a 4/20 surprise from the D.C. Council. We actually would have preferred that they wait a couple more weeks, so we'd have more time to push for amendments. If the law ultimately takes effect under the current regulations, we'll have some annoying problems. Nevertheless, the inevitable emergence of medical marijuana in the Nation's Capital is something to celebrate.

*A new AP-CNBC poll completely pukes all over our pot party. I'd like to know how they phrased the legalization question to come up with only 33% support. Every other recent poll is in the 40's. I call bullshit on this. A new CBS poll says 44%. That's more like it.

*You can download the book Marijuana is Safer today only. Click here.

*Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley is doing his best to interfere with California's legalization initiative. Someone give him a hug.

*Finally, since marijuana isn't truly legal yet anywhere in America, please take a few minutes to educate yourself about dealing with police. Click the link, dude. You'll love it. I swear.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/speakeasy/2010/apr/20/happy_420