Announcement: IJPD Seeks Article Submissions on Women and Harm Reduction
The International Journal of Drug Policy has released a call for papers, for a special issue: "Women and Harm Reduction: Spanning the Globe," guest editors Susan Sherman, Adeeba bte Kamarulzaman and Patti Spittal.
The issue aims to examine: the unique factors (e.g. cultural, relational, legal or economic) that contribute to women's use of psychoactive drugs (licit and illicit); the stigma associated with women's drug use; proximal and distal effects of drug use on the lives of women drug users as well as drug usersâ female sexual partners; examine patterns of use and consequences of different types of drugs (e.g. ATS, alcohol, opiates); to explore the effects of different types of drugs; to examine gender-related policies regarding harm reduction services and treatment; and to examine innovative programs targeting women drug users.
The issue aims to include work representing a range of geographic regions (e.g. former Soviet Union, Middle East, South Asia,Southeast Asia, Europe/North America). Papers must be relevant to harm reduction and policy.
Several types of contributions are invited: Scientific review papers (max 8,000 words) ; Original research papers (3,000 â 7,000 words); Short research reports (up to 1500 words); Descriptions of interesting (positive or negative) programmes or policies (2,000 â 5,000 words); Descriptions of problems (e.g. structural barriers) in gaining access to needed services or programmes (2,000 â 5,000 words); Policies and/or historical analyses (3,000 â 7,000 words); Commentaries (max 4,000 words); Editorials (1,500 - 2,500 words).
The deadline for outline abstracts or other short descriptions (not exceeding 400 words) is September 23, 2006; they should be sent to [email protected]. If selected for submission, the deadline for completion of draft contributions will be in December, 2006. Submissions will be made on the Elsevier on-line electronic submission system and will be subject to peer-review.
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Rights to Existance
Dear All ,
There has been advocacies about the rights of drugs users rights in the past and at the present. Either be it the rights to access to treatment or substition therapy to free drug treatments. Millions of dollors have been invested to build the capacity of drug users. However the bitter truth is female drug users have been excluded most of the time from such events and opportunities. There have been advocacies regarding the equal oppurtunities and there again female part has been excluded and igonored by everybody. Narconon Nepal has estimated that round about 24000 female substance users exist in Nepal whereas we have no actual demographic data in the home ministries or in our drugs users network organization. Sad but true, these events show that female has always been excluded from such oppurtunities in regards to male parts. There has been no proper intervention from any part of the NGOs, INGOs, government or soceity, even the drug users community, in favour of females drug users.
1.Why there has been gap in regard to this ?
2.Why there has been no equal oppurtunities?
3.Why there are no comprehensive package for female substance users?
4.Why exclusion? Why lack of services?
5.Aren't female substance users vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and hepatitis?( Data shows that females are more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS than male counterparts)
6.Why there has been lack of interventions from all the sectors?
Dristi Nepal Pledges all the organizations and every individuals from every walk of life to support all the female substance users in Nepal to fight such exclusion, social discrimination and stigma as well.
Parina Subba Limbu,
(Ex-Drug user)
Program Director
Dristi Nepal
(women for recovery)
Bagh Durbar,Kathmandu
email:[email protected]
Where is the justice?
Dristi Nepal has been advocating for the basic rights for the female drug users of Nepal for last 3 years. Over these years we have come across so many cases regarding female drug users and WLHAS. Lately we have come across a case where a female drug user has been accused of theft of large amount with no evidence. The point is, not a penny was found when the authorities thoroughly checked her body upon the charges where the incident took place. After the complaint of her client she was taken to custody and was badly physically tortured and was forced to accept and pay the amount on monthly basis. Apparently it seems that police authorities are also involved in false accusation. At this moment she is currently taking service from Dristi Nepal. However we have also discovered that she is innocent regarding the accusations. Where is the justice? Where is the law?
Through this group we would urge from all the human rights activists to all the women around the world to show solidarity against such mal-practices and stigma against women who use drugs. Dristi Nepal is fighting against such inhuman acts however it doesn't get big if you all are not there to support the cause. Let's act now in our own ways against such violence, discriminations and injustices.
Parina Subba Limbu
Dristi Nepal(women for recovery)
Sundhara ,Kathmandu,Nepal.
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