The War on Drugs Is Doomed

Submitted by smorgan on
…according to Mary Anastasia O'Grady in her latest awesome Wall Street Journal editorial. She's written basically this exact same piece a few times now, getting a bit more precise and effective with each effort. Yet, I don't doubt that O'Grady is beginning to feel like she's banging her head against a wall.

Now matter how well you do it, explaining that the entire drug war fundamentally doesn't work is going to overwhelm a lot of people. O'Grady isn’t talking about medical marijuana or sentencing reform, she's saying that our whole drug policy is completely ill-conceived and unworkable. Not everyone is capable of understanding something like that, but the number who are continues to grow and the occurrence of such arguments in the Wall Street Journal is a not a good sign for anyone hoping the drug war will be with us forever.

The case can be ignored, but it can never be refuted. The drug war isn’t going to start working one day, nor will intelligent people ever stop working to end it.

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