Investing in the Future of Drug Policy Reform

Submitted by dguard on

Invest in the Future of Drug Policy Reform

Will you help send students to SSDP's 11th Annual Conference?

Dear Friends,

Something very big is happening this weekend. 

This coming Friday, over 400 students from around the world will fly into San Francisco for three days of inquiry, education and training during Students for Sensible Drug Policy's International Conference entitled, "
This Is Your Brain On Drug Policy" (inspired by this 1980s gem of an anti-drug commercial).  It's our largest conference to date and the first with a satellite gathering of 100-plus students in Nigeria as part of their inaugural national SSDP Conference.

The weekend will begin with orations from the leaders in the drug policy reform movement, with an emphasis on how we leverage student organizing in the years ahead.  On Sunday, we'll focus on advocacy training, where students will learn tangible organizing tools, from working with their schools' administrations to forming broad coalitions and changing campus policies.  I'm thrilled with our line-up of presenters and am keen to see our newest members learn from one another and develop lasting bonds around their passion for reform.

Only days before the first students arrive, I want to ask for your help to make this conference even bigger.  We would still like to award additional scholarships to make it possible for our newest chapter leaders and promising chapter starters to attend. 

Can you help?

A $25 donation will help reduce a student's registration cost, $100 can cover the weekend's hotel costs for one attendee, and $250 brings someone from our expanding international network of student leaders.

Thank you for helping foster the future drug policy reformers of the world. 

I hope to see you in San Francisco.

Matthew Palevsky
Acting Executive Director
Students for Sensible Drug Policy


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