Drug Testing: Missouri Senate Committee Passes Bill to Drug Test Welfare Recipients

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #619)
Politics & Advocacy

A Missouri state Senate committee voted Tuesday to approve a bill that would require welfare recipients and applicants to pass a drug test in order to receive government aid. The bill, SB 607, passed the Senate Health, Mental Health, Seniors, and Families Committee on a 5-3 vote.

The bill attempts to get around constitutional problems with other mandatory drug testing bills by limiting drug testing to those whom case workers have identified as creating "a reasonable suspicion" they are using drugs. Persons who are then drug tested and test positive would have an administrative hearing and after that hearing, could be declared ineligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits for three years. Dependent children of people thrown off the rolls would not lose their benefits; instead, they would be provided through a payee for the children.

The bill also provides that the Department of Mental Health would refer people who test positive to drug treatment, although it doesn't specify who would pay for it. Nor does the bill have any provision for returning someone to the rolls after successfully completing treatment.

The vote came despite a fiscal impact analysis that found the measure would cost the state more than $2.5 million in 2011 and around $3.5 million in 2012 and 2013. While the state would save some money from paying out fewer benefits, those savings would be swamped by the costs of drug testing, hearings for people who appealed the loss of benefits, and the cost of drug treatment.

Missouri is one of a handful of states where similar bills are moving this year. Similar bills have been filed or pre-filed in Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, and West Virginia.


Flying Goat (not verified)

As a senior citizen living on Social Security Disability, one who relies on medical marijuana for my pain, I can tell you this is wrong! What a sham! Removing the parents' portion of the support check does NOTHING but further diminish the resources available to dependent children. How can a person support children when they already depend on public assistance?

The amount spent by the State of Mississippi in order to discriminate against marijuana users (testing, etc.) ends up costing taxpayers more in the long run, not to mention leaving the determination of "reasonable suspicion" up to very low-paid county employees...

If ANYBODY can see how this bill can benefit society in ANY way, please let me know.

Fri, 02/05/2010 - 11:28am Permalink
Anonymous157 (not verified)

In reply to by Flying Goat (not verified)

My tax dollars won't have to go to people that can see their food stamps for 80 cents on the dollar for some meth that's how!  If you rely on medical marijuana you should have a card and then it's not illegal, if you rely on marijuana without a card it's illegal.  Why should we pay for some ones food if they spend their money on marijuana or any other drug instead of feeding themselves?!  You assume it's just for marijuana but I'm sure there are more drugs than just what you're using that they're worried about. 

Thu, 02/17/2011 - 3:31am Permalink
mlang52 (not verified)

I guess they don't mind wasting millions of dollars to deny people benefits! Wouldn't that mean, that in the long run, they won't be saving ANY money, and would be denying kids food and shelter? Oh, I ignored the fact that the kids could be taken form their biological parents and put in a foster home. (then they will, more likely, be fed!?)

Who cares about the kid's well being anyway? We all know that drug using parents could not, in any way, take proper care of their kids!.............. ; P

I think they should include alcohol testing, as well. They could throw, even, more off of the welfare rolls, could they not? People under influence of alcohol can be less responsible, than the 'druggies '! Right?

The powers that be that enforce this, will just be making sure "those damn druggies" will not be providing for their kids in any way shape or form! That really sounds, more, like punishment without having the benefits of a trial!

And, the next problem, those damn tests don't work correctly to identify false positives, (THC in soap?) They are using a flawed test to make flawed decisions. How can they expect anything good from it? Then, half, of those using, will be missed, as well. It will all depend on the way they try to enforce the thing!

Well, I could be wrong! This is nothing new! It appears to be the same old SNAFU government decisions!

Fri, 02/05/2010 - 2:18pm Permalink
Jean Boyd (not verified)

I can only imagine that the CEO's of the "treatment programs" are applauding this move. Even though this is clearly a breach to the constitution, somehow officials have been allowed to pass it. This does not benefit society in any way but it will be interesting to see who does benefit from it. This unconstitutional, cruel and unethical rule is being enacted for the benefit of the few in a desperate attempt to continue draconian leadership. How can any decision be based on a one-time urine analysis. Having a "drug" in a person's bloodstream does not prove abuse of a drug. Especially marijuana. The present drug war regime is determined to continue it's current direction even though it is headed over the edge.

Fri, 02/05/2010 - 8:55pm Permalink
Spanky (not verified)

In reply to by Jean Boyd (not verified)

You think getting welfare is a CONSTITUTIONAL right???  Now thats funny!!  I can see who is one drugs.

Sat, 01/15/2011 - 11:04pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

They need to include cigarettes too. This will cause many case workers to be jobless. Don't discriminate. Alcohol is a legal drug, so are cigarettes. Many people on Medicaid smoke and contribute to health problems.

Mon, 02/08/2010 - 9:05pm Permalink
Not Telling (not verified)

Maybe it's not an issue of saving money. Maybe it's an issue of making a statement that the tax payers are tired of paying for people that sit on their butts all day and do drugs. To many people these days believe that the government owes them something because they were born. They don't even attempt to better themselves. As for the kids of those people that test positive, the state should take them and place them in a home that will take care of them. Then maybe they won't follow in their parents footsteps.

Mon, 03/08/2010 - 3:08pm Permalink
Kristin (not verified)

I get the whole unconstitutional thing; however, after reviewing everyone else's comments and having been a product of such circumstance that without the help of the government I would still be a drug user and probably have lost my children to a foster home! What the hell is wrong with someone stepping up to the plate to help? Even if it is the government? They have also helped me get my life on track. Of course it will cost the taxpayers and the states more money, but isn't it worth it if a life is saved and the quality of another's is improved? In response to a previous comment..."those damn druggies" are NOT providing for their children the way they should be! Stop worrying so much about your pocket book and start thinking about what it is to be human! Social Services was not designed to remove a human's rights it was designed to help a human's rights! The right to a quality of life. How can they do that if people are not willing to improve the quality of their own lives?

Thu, 05/06/2010 - 1:14am Permalink
Taxpayer (not verified)

In reply to by Kristin (not verified)

This is long over due. About a year ago a group moved in near us that has 10 people living in the apartment, Only one person works and the rest collect on government benefits and make no bones about telling people they do. Nothings wrong with them that a little hygine won't fix but they have 2 small children living in the home and smoke ciggerttes and pot constantly on their front porch. They stand around and watch the whole world go to work every morning while they get high, eat steaks bought with food stamps and sleep all afternoon. I would like to see anyone here argue that this is fair and just.

Mon, 07/19/2010 - 10:44pm Permalink
shannon dee (not verified)

In reply to by Taxpayer (not verified)

Well said, I couldn't of said it better! I am so sick of people around my town having baby after baby just to get assistance from the state, like getting food stamps to sell for drugs, it just makes me sick. The state is here to help these people and all they care about is the 1st of the month so they can get high. who cares about the kids, i tell ya what those kids need to be taken away, there are plenty of people out there who can't have kids that would love to give them a good home, but no instead they wanna keep the kids so they can get money and food stamps from the state to support there drug habit while there poor kids live in mysery. it is about time they do something. i don't even think they should get a second chance you fail your done. they know its coming and if they can not get clean then that is there fault. there are free programs out there all over to help people get off drugs why spend that money on them. it amazes me how people will just have kids to get welfare, but i have seen it done. i really hope it teaches them a lesson, but seriously i doubt it will.

Fri, 01/14/2011 - 10:44am Permalink
Sick Of Lazy People (not verified)

It's about time!  I hope that the government doesn't pay for their rehab?  Why is the government responsible for getting them clean??  The only people that would think this is a bad idea is the drug users.  Welfare should not be a way of life, it is not something you pass down.  There should be a cap on how many years you are able to be on assistance.  How many people out there really are to sick to have jobs and it is very hard on them physically but they continue to go to work everyday.  Elderly in their 60's go to work everyday, but you have twenty something year old's that can't seem to get a job?  Yes, they have a job living off the system!  It should be against the law!  There is no way that you can't find a job of any sort!  Just plain lazy people!  The government needs to get stiffer laws and give these people no choice but to work and take care of their families!  Why is it the working person job to make sure the lazy have a roof over their head, food in their stomach, heat in the winter, cool in the summer!  Oh and eating a ton better than the people that actually "earn" their keep!  Food stamps shouldn't be able to buy anything but generic and nothing processed, no chips, no soda, no candy.  That is a luxury a person should have to earn!  I was a teenage mom and I NEVER went on government assistance, and I didn't come from a wealthy family!  It's called PRIDE more people need to have that!

Thu, 01/27/2011 - 9:54am Permalink

I think more information on what a payee for the children is? A family member?? Case Worker?? I think that person would need to be interviewed to the max.  Welfare recipients will find away around this and still get the money from a irresponsible relative. And the children will suffer because there will be less money for the family. I agree on the drug tests done for welfare recipients and wish they would include sterilization with it also. If you want it fair or a way around the system. STOP DOING DRUGS!!

Thu, 01/27/2011 - 10:54am Permalink
Anonymous1 (not verified)

I know a couple that live in Missouri and have been living together for years but don't get married so they can be on welfare. He gets paid cash under the table and is always carrying around wads of money in his pocket because of course he don't pay taxes and they get a welfare check, on Medicaid and gets food stamps. To top it all off, they have two dogs that get fed ground hamburger meat bought with food stamp money so they don"t have to buy dog food . They buy alcohol,drugs,and cigarettes and have been in jail numerous times for drug possession. I get up and go to work everyday, pay my taxes, & I don't buy these things and never have but I have to pinch pennies to buy groceries. How is this fair to me and the rest of us that live paycheck to paycheck because a chunk of our paycheck go to these freaking losers. They have two daughters that because this is what they have been taught as a way of life are following in their footsteps ,selling there food stamps for cash to go buy Meth while their kids are doing without anyway.  So tell me how providing these losers with benefits are helping the children.  I'm all for helping people down on their luck but people this is BS!!!

Fri, 07/22/2011 - 12:21pm Permalink
Anony**** (not verified)

This needed to be done for a long time and should be required in all states. I've watched this crap across the street. They are fat, uneducated ,smoking cigarettes, doing drugs and on top of that have numerous animals running around.. 

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 11:41am Permalink

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2010/feb/05/drug_testing_missouri_senate_com