Web Scan

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #468)

Ethan Nadelmann on Colbert Report, part 1 and part 2 (1/8/07)

sample letters in support of marijuana prison Tyrone Brown, from the November Coalition

Incarceration Nation in The Nation, and Stunning Revelations (taser deaths) in In These Times, Silja Talvi

US Rates of Incarceration: A Global Perspective, report from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency -- plus new report on the over-representation of African American youths in the criminal justice, posting 12:01am.

National Drug Threat Assessment 2007

Drug Truth Network Update: Cultural Baggage + Century of Lies + 4:20 Drug War NEWS
Cultural Baggage for 01/05/07: Jack Cole, Dir. of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition + Terry Nelson of LEAP (MP3)

Century of Lies for 01/05/07: Herb Couch, board member of Educators for Sensible Drug Policy + Drug War Facts, Corrupt Cop Story & Poppygate (MP3)

January 2007 issue of Cannabinoid Chronicles, Victoria Island Compassion Society

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2007/jan/10/web_scan