Nevadans for Sensible Marijuana Laws to Unveil 2012 Ballot Initiative to Tax and Regulate Marijuana

Submitted by dguard on

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                                                               

January 4, 2010

Nevadans for Sensible Marijuana Laws to Unveil 2012 Ballot Initiative to Tax and Regulate Marijuana in Nevada on Wednesday

Press conference on steps of State Capitol building will discuss the most far-reaching proposal in history to regulate marijuana

CONTACT: Dave Schwartz, NSML Campaign Manager ……………702-727-1081 or [email protected]

CARSON CITY, NEVADA — On Wednesday, Jan. 6, on the steps of the Nevada State Capitol building in Carson City, Dave Schwartz, the campaign manager for Nevadans for Sensible Marijuana Laws, will discuss the details of a 2012 ballot initiative to establish a taxed and regulated marijuana market for adults 21 years of age and older in the state of Nevada. The press conference will occur immediately after Schwartz submits the initiative petition to the Secretary of State. Submission to the Secretary of State is a prerequisite to circulating the petition throughout the state.  The campaign will need to collect 97.002 signatures by November 2010 in order to qualify for the November 2012 ballot. Schwartz will also unveil the campaign’s Web site, which will serve as a key educational and organizing tool over coming years.

         “We are excited to be launching this historic campaign,” Schwartz said prior to the press conference. “We have literally spent months drafting this initiative and believe it is the best marijuana-related initiative ever proposed. We are fully confident that we will qualify for the ballot and will garner majority support in 2012.  As we embark on our signature drive, we are determined to use every interaction with Nevada residents to educate them about one simple fact: Marijuana, by every objective measure, is a safer substance than alcohol. We will encourage voters to consider this fact and decide for themselves whether it makes sense to allow adults to use alcohol freely, but punish them if they choose to use a less harmful substance, marijuana.”   

         WHO: Dave Schwartz, campaign manager, Nevadans for Sensible Marijuana Laws

         WHAT: Press conference to discuss NSML’s 2012 ballot initiative      

         WHERE: The steps of the Nevada State Capitol, 101 N. Carson Street, Carson City, NV

         WHEN: Wednesday, January 6, at 1:00 p.m.

Nevadans for Sensible Marijuana Laws is a ballot advocacy group formed in Nevada to support a 2012 ballot initiative to tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol in the state.


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