Medical Cannabis Patients' Capitol Convergence
Medical cannabis patients and their supporters will hold a rally at Lafayette Park in support of the FDA's rescheduling of cannabis' medicinal use under the Controlled Substance Act.
This rally, which is specifically intended to draw attention to People Living With AIDS (PLWA's) who use Medical Cannabis, will coincide with the National March for Gay Rights and Equality on October 11th.
Speaking at the rally will be San Franciscans Dennis Peron, author of "Proposition 215" the medical cannabis law that allows patients to grow cannabis in California, and Cleve Jones, founder of the AIDS Quilt. Both men were close friends of legendary mayor and gay rights activist, Harvey Milk. Also speaking will be L.A. City Councilman, Bill Rosenthal on behalf of the city of Los Angeles, California.
From 4:20 til 4:30, Rally attendees have permission to take a group photo in front of the White House which will later be made into a postcard and mailed to President Barack Obama.
While in Washington DC, Dennis and Richard Eastman, both longtime medical cannabis activists, plan to meet with the Mayor and the City Council of Washington, DC. They hope to urge them to implement DC's medical marijuana law (Initiative 59), a law, which DC voters passed overwhelmingly 10 years ago.
Since then, this legislation has been stifled by Congressman Bob Barr, who attached riders to annual DC spending budgets and subsequently banned it's implementation into law for almost a decade. This summer Congress removed the retired Congressman's wording from this year's DC spending budget and left the door open for medical cannabis in the District of Columbia.
The White House -- Lafayette Park
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC
United States
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