Organization News: DRCNet Hits This Week

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #466)
Politics & Advocacy

Thanks to the initiative of Netscape user mntnman444, Drug War Chronicle made the top slot on the Netscape home page, which now features news links nominated and voted on by members. Over 13,000 people read about marijuana prisoner Tyrone Brown and the effort to gain him clemency as a result. Click here to read the many comments made by Netscape users.

DRCNet executive director David Borden was taped today for Regional Network News, a cable station serving the tri-state (NY, NJ & CT) area, debating Newark, New Jersey minister Rev. Jethro James on the subject of needle exchange programs and New Jersey's new law. (We believe the spot ran this evening, but were not able to watch it to confirm -- let us know if you saw it.) We hope to get video of the segment online sometime next month.

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