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Submitted by dguard on

The following ACTION has been approved for ALL AUDIENCES by Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER).

At a press conference in California last week, President Obama's new drug czar claimed, "Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit."  Meanwhile, President Obama was at the White House, trying to defuse the situation surrounding the controversial and highly publicized arrest of his friend, Harvard Professor Henry Lewis Gates, by inviting him and the arresting officer to the White House for a beer.

Yes, that's right. Just after President Obama's top drug policy official declared marijuana "dangerous," the President himself was touting the calming and beneficial effect of consuming alcohol, a substance that is far more dangerous than marijuana that -- unlike marijuana -- actually contributes to violent and aggressive behavior. 

CLICK HERE to TAKE ACTION and send a quick message to President Obama, letting him know you are appalled by the anti-marijuana, pro-alcohol message his administration is sending to Americans of all ages, and urging him to offer Professor Gates and the arresting officer a safer alternative to alcohol at their White House meeting. Then forward this alert to anyone you know who might be interested in doing so, as well. (This action is also available at

The following BOOK has been rated "IMPORTANT" by several prominent individuals and organizations:

As a SAFER supporter, you probably detect the absurdity and irony of the situation with Obama mentioned above. Yet much of the media has failed to pick up on it, and many Americans are still oblivious to the fact that marijuana is far safer than alcohol both for the user and for society. Our efforts to change all that and spread the truth about marijuana are about to get a major boost.

Next week, SAFER will launch Marijuana Is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink?, the highly acclaimed new book that promises to change the way people think -- and talk -- about marijuana. The book is co-authored by leaders of three of the most effective organizations working to reform marijuana laws -- SAFER Executive Director Mason Tvert, MPP Director of State Initiatives (and SAFER Co-founder) Steve Fox, and NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano -- and it features a foreword by former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper. It has received advance praise from a variety of prominent individuals, and it is already beginning to cause a stir in the media -- check out the recent Reuters newswire column, "Driven to drink by marijuana laws?"

Marijuana Is Safer is already shooting up the rankings, and SAFER will be doing a whole lot to promote it over the next couple months. We hope you will help us spread the word and make this important book -- and the truth it contains -- a wildly popular best-seller read by millions across the nation. You can do so now by forwarding this e-mail to anyone you think might be interested -- or by simply posting the book's URL ( to your Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace page -- otherwise we will be in touch again soon to let you know of other ways you can help.

Get an advanced copy and help us celebrate!

Marijuana Is Safer will premiere next week on Tuesday, August 4, at the Oaksterdam University Student Union in Oakland, California. Along with OU, the event is being co-hosted by SAFER, NORML and the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), and co-authors Mason Tvert and Paul Armentano will be at the event to discuss the book and sign the first copies to be made available to the public. The book will then be made available to the crowd of 200,000+ at the world's largest pro-marijuana rally and festival, Seattle Hempfest, from August 15-16. Rounding out August will be SAFER's Launch Party on Sunday, August 23rd, in Denver, Colorado -- ground zero of the "Marijuana Is Safer" movement.

Check out our initial tour schedule below and be sure to check back to for more event dates and information.


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