Medical Marijuana Training Course
The Montana Caregivers Network is hosting a 3-hour training course with demonstrations for patients and caregivers.
Taught by Atty, Mark Frisbee:
- Breakdown of the Montana Medical Marijuana Act (The Law)
- Scenarios and What-Ifs
- Case Presidence and Federal Jurisdiction
- Local Law Enforcement Procedures & Policies
Taught by Jason Christ, Ops Dir, MCN
- Live Plant Demonstrations of topping and other cool growing tips, Learn SeaOfGreen vs. Outdoor
- Using Medicine, How & Why + Vaporizer Demonstration and Comparisons
- The MCN Website and how it is a powerful sales tool
- 30 Best Kept Growing Secrets for the most dense, most powerful, best medicine
Taught by one of the largest caregivers in the state, Chris Lindsey (another Crim. Def. Atty from Helena):
- Procedures that Keep you Out of Jail / Prison
- Getting the first Patient and then Growing your Business
- Best Practices for Caregivers
- Being a Value-Added Caregiver
The number of medical marijuana patients has increased over 1000% between 2008 and 2009. Currently very few qualified caregivers who can meet the new surge in demand for medicinal marijuana to patients registered with the state of Montana.
Cost: $26 (Cards not required)
For more info or to reserve your seat please call (406) 207-7078 or email: [email protected].
Holiday Inn
10th Avenue South
Great Falls, MT
United States
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