Act Now to Protect Medical Cannabis Patients

Submitted by dguard on

Act Now to Protect Medical Cannabis Patients:
Tell Your U.S. Representative to Support HR 2835!

Dear ASA Supporter,

On June 11, Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) and a small bi-partisan coalition of Members of Congress re-introduced HR 2835, the Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act. The legislation will help protect individuals who use or provide medical cannabis in accordance with their state law.

Visit to take action now!

If passed, this important legislation would, among other things, reschedule marijuana from a Schedule I to Schedule II drug according the Controlled Substances Act and provide clearer protections for qualified patients, their caregivers, and safe-access sites authorized by state or local law. Take action now to protect patients and their providers. Although similar versions of the bill have been introduced in previous Congressional terms, the Obama Administration's willingness to change federal policy on medical marijuana has created a new political context and may facilitate passage of this important legislation.

Currently the bill has only a dozen co-sponsors, which means there is plenty of work to be done!

Visit to send an e-mail to your Member of Congress now. It's important to urge all U.S. Representatives to support the Patient Protection Act!

Thanks you for supporting ASA and our efforts to secure safe access for medical cannabis patients. Please forward this message to friends, co-workers, and family members to encourage them to join you in this nationwide movement to protect safe access!


Caren Woodson
Director of Government Affairs
Americans for Safe Access

P.S. The only way we can continue to work on legislation like the Patient Protection Act is with your continued support. Become a member of ASA today!
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