NORML's Daily Podcast Celebrates 6 Months; Over 100 Episodes Online
Contact: Chris Goldstein or Allen St. Pierre, tel: 202-483-5500, e-mail:
NORML's Daily Podcast Celebrates 6 Months; Over 100 Episodes Online
NORML's weekday audio podcast, NORML's Daily Audio Stash , celebrates 6 months online today. Currently ranked #9 in the Government & Organizations Category on iTunes, the Audio Stash is the most popular Marijuana Reform podcast on Apples iTunes Music Store.
Serving over 775, 000 downloads with just over 100 individual programs, NORML's podcasts are one of the most visible contributions to NORML's online presence. NORML¹s podcast is the only program online designed specifically for the responsible, American cannabis consumer.
The programs are co-produced by NORML's Executive Director Allen St. Pierre and hosted by Chris Goldstein, a public radio broadcaster. NORML's podcast are competing with, and in some cases out-ranking, Senator Hillary Clinton, The President of the United States' Official podcasts, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Carnegie Council, The Pentagon podcasts, The US Navy podcasts, The National Association of Realtors and The Peace Corp.
While many non-profits release a weekly or twice-weekly podcast, NORML has taken on the challenge of producing five 30-minute programs each week. The response has been exceptionally strong, demonstrating the growing demand for truthful and verfiable information regarding marijuana outside of main-stream media. The programs feature daily news, interviews with the activists, politicians, doctors, scientists, patients and regular cannabis consumers working towards cannabis prohibition law reform along music and comedy content from the Hempilation Albums, and the Independent Online Distribution Alliance. This balance of news, information and entertainment content create a program for all ages and any level of involvement in marijuana law reform.
Just some of the guests who have appeared on NORML's Daily Audio Stash:
Tommy Chong, Ann Druyan, Dr. Mitch Earleywine, Dr. John Morgan, Grant Krieger, Congressman Maurice Hinchey, Mikki Norris, Dale Gieringer, Allen. St. Pierre, Paul Armentano, Keith Stroup, Dan Viets, Rick Steves, Steve Kubby, Mason Tvert, Steve Fox, Neal Levine, Dr. Robert Melamead, Santa Barbara Councilman Das Williams, Rudy Reyes, Patrick Goggin, Philippe Lucas, William Dolphin, Julie Falco, Kris Krane, Lynn Paltrow, Vivian McPeak, Dominic Holden, Norm Stamper, Jack Cole, Irvin Rosenfled, Rick Doblin, Ryan Grim and Michael MacCleod-Ball
Listeners can hear NORML's Daily Audio Stash three ways:
- On the website
- On iTunes
- Or through direct MP3 downloads at the Audio Stash archvive
Serving over 40,000 downloads per week, listenership to NORML's Audio Stash continues to grow each day and the podcast now enjoys an entrenched place in online media, serving the message of Marijuana Prohibition Reform.
NORML's podcasts are now open to business and non-profit sponsorship. Please contact Chris Goldstein or Allen St. Pierre, 202-483-5500 or
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