Rethinking Federal Sentencing Policy
Congressional Black Caucus Justice and Civil Rights Taskforce and Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race & Justice at Harvard Law School presents Rethinking Federal Sentencing Policy: 25th Anniversary of the Sentencing Reform Act.
For more information, contact: Bernard Moore, PhD, Senior Policy Fellow, Office of Congressman Danny K. Davis at 202-360-7551 or [email protected].
Welcome and Opening remarks by
Rep. Danny Davis (5 minutes)
Rep. Charles Rangel (5 minutes)
Welcome and Introduction of A.G. by CBC Justice & Civil Rights Task Force, Rep. John Conyers (5-10 minutes)
Remarks by Eric Holder, Attorney General (15 minutes), U.S. Department of Justice
Introduction of Justice OâConnor by Sen. Patrick Leahy, Charles Hamilton Houston, Institute for Race & Justice (5 minutes)
Remarks by Hon. Sandra Day OâConnor (15 minutes), Supreme Court of the United States
Mandatory Minimums
Panel One: Rep Maxine Waters (CA) History of Mandatory Minimums
Hon. Terry Hatter, Judge, U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
Hon. J. Spencer Letts, Senior Judge, U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
Eric Sterling, President, Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
Charles E. Black, formerly Incarcerated
Panel Two: Rep. Bobby Scott (VA) the need for repeal and how to repeal, including legislative update
Hon. Ann Williams, Circuit Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit
A.J. Kramer, Federal Defender, Federal Public Defender of the District of Columbia
Julie Stewart, President, Families Against Mandatory Minimums
Disparity between Crack and Powder Cocaine
Panel Three: Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX)
Hon. Reggie B. Walton, Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Hon. William Sessions, Vice Chairman, U.S. Sentencing Commission
Brace Nicholson, Legislative Counsel, American Bar Association
David Kirby, Former United States Attorney for the District of Vermont
Good Time
Panel Four: Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL)
Hon. Consuelo B. Marshall, Senior Judge, U.S. District Court for Central District of California
Nancy Gertner, Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts
Marc Mauer, Executive Director, Sentencing Project
Harley G. Lappin, Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons (Discuss overcrowding)
United States Capitol Visitor Center
Orientation Theater-South
Washington, DC
United States
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