Medical Marijuana: New Hampshire Bill Heads for Final Legislative Vote

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #582)
Drug War Issues

The New Hampshire medical marijuana bill is headed for a Senate floor vote after passing out of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee on a 4-1 vote Thursday afternoon. The bill has already passed the House.

The bill would allow seriously ill patients to possess up to six marijuana plants, six seeds, and two ounces of marijuana. Patients must be certified by a physician as having a debilitating condition that would benefit from the use of marijuana.

Responding to concerns by Gov. John Lynch about how distribution would be controlled, the Senate committee decided to postpone settling distribution questions until after the bill is passed. The committee accepted an amendment that would create a panel to study "issues related to creating a statewide system for the cultivation and distribution of medical marijuana." That panel would issue a report by May 1, 2010.

The measure is expected to have a Senate floor vote next week.


Anonymous (not verified)

I am happy there is some real support behind this finally.. For years I have wondered, how can alcohol be legal and marijuana not. You can overdose on alcohol, there are thousands of DWI's and accidents every year, it has proven the reason in many deaths. Marijuana on the other hand has medicinal purposes, does not allow for an overdose situation and is a natural growing 'weed'. Not that it will be legal for everyone to smoke, just 'cardholders'...

My question is this, the bill allows for a person to grow up to six plants to use for medication. It does not however say that there will be any outlet to purchase the marijuana for these cardholders.

In this economy, why is there any bill on the floor without some kind of economic benefit. If there was some way of dispensing the drug, rather than having the patient be responsible for growing it themselves, I believe there would be a great deal of money to be made by the state.. I just think if there going to make it legal, might as well make a buck off it right?

Fri, 04/24/2009 - 9:48pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

"I just think if there going to make it legal, might as well make a buck off it right?"

This would be funny for its naivety if it were not so hopelessly lacking in its perception of reality.
Cops, judges, politicians, tow truck operators, treatment centers, prisons, and thousands of other state lackeys depend on arrest and prosecution for their daily bread. Drug law enforcement is simply a money machine, designed by those in power to bring in money and assets and to fund a fascist state that worships power and greed.
Even some Supreme Court justices have recognized that the penalties associated with drug arrests are the most damaging component of drug usage.
At one time in my life I respected this country's government and police. I was a voter and a proud citizen. No more. Protect and Serve has become Punish and Scorn.
I would move away forever, but they took my passport...

Fri, 04/24/2009 - 11:09pm Permalink

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