Medical Marijuana: Minnesota Bill Wins Committee Vote, Heads for Senate Floor
[inline:minnesotacapitol.jpg align=right caption="Minnesota State Capitol"]The Minnesota medical marijuana bill, SF 97, cleared its fourth and final Senate committee hurdle Thursday, winning approval of the Senate Finance Committee on a 9-3 vote. It is now headed for a Senate floor vote.
"I am delighted that this compassionate, sensible bill is now on its way to the Senate floor," said bill sponsor Sen. Steve Murphy (DFL-Red Wing). "With Michigan's medical marijuana law taking full effect this weekend, I am increasingly optimistic that Minnesota will soon become the 14th state to get politics out of the doctor-patient relationship and protect medical marijuana patients from arrest."
A companion measure in the House has also been passed by four separate committees. It has not had a House floor vote.
In 2007, a similar bill won a Senate floor vote, but in the face of a veto threat by Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty, the House never put it to a vote. Pawlenty's position hasn't changed this year, although he did say he might reconsider if law enforcement did not oppose it. But so far, there's no sign of that.
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legalize it
pawlenty is so backwards, when will he concede ideological defeat on this count? it won't be long.
t-paw is a t-pussy
He would rather have cops pushing an easy button than some really sick people having a little relief from some serious pain? What an ass!
given how strong public support is for medicinal cannabis...
I suppose you could say this joker is showing political courage. But he's just a sadistic creep to me. When it comes to medicinal cannabis, leave your feelings for recreational cannabis out of it! Don't hold seriously and severely ill patients hostage that way!
In reply to given how strong public support is for medicinal cannabis... by Anonymous (not verified)
laws in general
we just want this shit to pass. right now all of these drug laws are bull shit. pot should not even be in the contolled substance act. it does not fit in the 1st categorie anyways. how about we make drinking illegal and legalize pot. then will see how many deaths there are in minnesota due to drinking and driving. oh wait... it will be illegal. this is bull shit. people are complaining over a dried up fucking flower. this government should get their heads out of there asses.
Tim pawlenty is a stuck up little bitch to. he is a god damn republican for christ sakes. he fits the description of a retarded politician
and don't hold farmers who could plant hemp hostage either
way past time for pesticide dependent thirsty cotton, and fossil fuel based synthetics, to compete with hemp on a level playing field
medical marijuana
There are many pros and cons to the use of medical marijuana. One of the positive uses of pot is in medical purposes. Marijuana may help people who have serious medical ailments with pain management. An example is the presence of marijuana clubs that cater to patients using medical marijuana for treatment. For more on this topic visit . Most importantly pot is known to help reduce cell growth in cancer patients.
pawlenty is the devil. who
pawlenty is the devil. who elected this asshole anyway.
When will it pass?
I have not smoked for two years! Doctors give me different pain pills to sleep and to knock pain off. It's Bs that they can drug you up and call it legal. Marijuana is safer and does both with out any liver damage. When will this pass anybody? My girlfriend witch lives with me is a cop,so the only way i can smoke has to be legal.
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