Medical Marijuana: Maine Activist Wins Acquittal on Growing, Trafficking Charges
Long-time Maine medical marijuana and marijuana legalization advocate Donald Christen is innocent of marijuana cultivation and trafficking, a jury found last week as it acquitted him of the charges. The verdict could have far reaching effects in the state, according to Christen's lawyer, Walter McKee.
"We had raised the affirmative defense that the marijuana being cultivated or being furnished was medical marijuana," McKee told the Kennebec Journal after the verdict. "Don acknowledged that he cultivated marijuana and he acknowledged that he possessed it with the intent to furnish it, but indicated that what he was cultivating and what he had possessed with the intent to furnish was medical marijuana, for one patient in particular."
The jury's acquittal came after Justice William Anderson told jurors Christen had met the criteria for medical marijuana under the state statute. Christen was arrested on the charges in December 2004 when police raided his home, which had served since the previous October as the Medical Marijuana Distribution Center. He was growing plants for a handful of patients. Under Maine's medical marijuana law, there are provisions to protect patients from prosecution, but none for allowing them to obtain their medicine. Christen filled that gap, and now he has broken new ground with his acquittal.
This is just the latest poke in the eye of Maine authorities from Christen. The veteran gadfly has bedeviled police and politicos in the state for more than a decade as founder of the legalization group Maine Vocals and organizer of the annual Maine Hempstock celebration. Don't count on him to rest on his laurels now.
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when is this just gonna be
when is this just gonna be over? just legalize it ffs! far less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. it's ridiculous that he should have to even spend $ defending himself....or waste taxpayers $ for the courts. politicians are so pathetic and ballsless. the people have spoken...they want it legalized...make it happen so we can move on and save billions of dollars a year not arresting, prosecuting and trying to eradicate something that will never be eradicated...give it up and stop ruining peoples lives because they chose a more benign way to seek relief from pain or chill.
In reply to when is this just gonna be by Anonymous (not verified)
big businesses that make anything from drugs/alcohol to carpet and plastic are probably one of the biggest reasons this plant is illegal to this day. they made it illegal in the first place to prevent competition from a plant that is much more suitable and cheaper to work with.
instead they chose to produce all these chemicals and man made drugs that cost much more money and do much more damage to people and the environment.
In reply to when is this just gonna be by Anonymous (not verified)
The Boston Weed Party??
It's starting all over again and of all places to start! Just how long do you think it's going to be before the under ground "CoffeeShops" open-up? bring 100's of thousand per. week-end to the cityz. Small towns could bring in a year in town taxes in a mo.with one /two very quite coffeeclubs/Bed&breakfast? So to all smalltowns, your going to have to act fast! When Obama call off the D.E.A. on medi clubs ,have your smalltown tax lawz ready! the window will be 2-5yr. before the profit will be lower,or gone!
Medical marijuana
The federal government has marijuana illegally listed as a schedule I substance. A schedule I substance by definition has no medical use. As of this date 13 states have aothorized the medical use of marijuana. It is up to the states and not the federal government to determine accepted medical use. check out Iowa medical marijuana
Sincerely Jeff Brown Florida
In reply to Medical marijuana by Anonymous (not verified)
want a big surprise?
Diacytl-morphine is just another pain pill. But, in the first part of the 20th century its side effects were essentially unknown. It was then given to everyone for all kinds of medical maladies. When the name was changed to heroin and the ignorant use of it, as a cure all, was stopped, the government decided it was "of no medical use" . The CSA is full of mistakes like this. They will continue as long as those in power, in that agency, know very little about medicine and make their decisions out of fear of "drugs". Emotion driving medical care instead of science? Who would ever think of trying to practice medicine without using sound scientific principle. The non-scientists, that's who!
Amphetmines (meth) and cocaine have been used for medical therapies, also. I think they are legally classified as class 2, right now, where the morphine is, as well. So much for medical science!
Don Christen and Maine Vocals
Hemp Hemp Hooray that Donnie won his case! You can bet your a$$ He's not sitting back, He's hard at work planning the Festivals and Demonstrations for this summer at the Maine Vocals new home in Harmony Maine at 420 Carlson Hill Rd. Festival details are up as they come at
See you at the Home of the Harvestfest, The Maine Vocals Festivals!!!
Captain Joint
We are an independent bunch in general.
News clip of Don Christen
It seem some are reluctant to admit this is the will of the people.
Just Legalize it Already!
When are the politicians going to wise up and make marijuana legal, they legalized Alcohol and look at the problems that causes in society. There are many medical benefits from the use of marijuana cant say the same about Alcohol and tobacco. Time to get real and step up and address this issue. Who will be brave enough?
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