Feature: New Jersey Medical Marijuana Bill Heads for Senate Floor After Favorable Committee Vote
New Jersey took a step toward becoming the 14th medical marijuana state Monday as a Senate committee heard testimony, then voted 6-1 (with two abstentions) to send Senate Bill 119, the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act, to the Senate floor, where it could be voted on as early as next month. The state Assembly has yet to vote on the bill, but Gov. Jon Corzine (D) has indicated he would sign the bill if it reaches his desk.
[inline:barroffice.jpg align=left caption="Jim and the late Cheryl Miller, with Gary Storck and Jacki Rickert, outside former US Rep. Bob Barr's office (photo from immly.org)"]The bill, passed by the Senate's Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee, would set up a registry program with the Department of Health and Senior Services for people with debilitating medical conditions, including cancer, glaucoma, HIV or AIDS, or other diseases that cause wasting, chronic pain, severe nausea, seizures, or severe and persistent muscle spasms. Registered patients or their caregivers could possess up to six marijuana plants and an ounce of usable marijuana.
The bill would also address what has been a thorny issue in some states that have approved medical marijuana laws: the question of supply for people who cannot grow their own. To address the supply problem, the bill foresees the licensing of collective gardens where patients could obtain medical marijuana.
Monday's hearing featured testimony from patients, experts, and drug reformers, as well as written testimony from the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians, the New Jersey League for Nursing, the New Jersey chapters of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and the New Jersey Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in support of the bill.
It began with an impassioned argument by Sen. Nick Scutari (D-Union County), the bill's original sponsor. "There is no price we would not pay, no limits to which we would not go" to prevent loved ones from suffering needlessly, Scutari told his colleagues on the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.
Scutari addressed opponents who argued that the state should wait for the US Food and Drug Administration to approve marijuana. "There is little comfort in the promise of a better drug 10 years from now," he said, noting that the federal government has ignored recommendations to conduct clinical trials with medical marijuana.
Dr. Denis Petro, a board-certified neurologist in neighboring Pennsylvania with a quarter-century of experience in neurology, clinical pharmacology, and marijuana research also testified. He told the committee how he conducted the first American study of marijuana's beneficial effects for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients 1981. It was time for New Jersey to approve a medical marijuana bill, he told the committee.
"There is no doubt that medical marijuana will eventually be allowed in New Jersey", said Kenneth Wolski, an RN, who with Jim Miller, the widow of New Jersey medical marijuana patient/activist Cheryl Miller, co-founded the Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey to press for such a bill five years ago. "There is too much logic, common sense, compassion and science that supports it. Logic says that doctors prescribe far more dangerous and addicting drugs than marijuana; common sense says that this issue ought to be decided in the privacy of the doctor-patient relationship, in the best interest of the patient; Compassion says that no patient should suffer needlessly; and there is a wealth of scientific evidence that supports the safety and efficacy of medical marijuana," Wolski concluded.
Although medical marijuana legislation had been offered each year since 2004, it had failed to move. But the Senate Health committee made up for lost time Monday, immediately voting to send the bill to the Senate floor with its stamp of approval. Patients and advocates were quick to thank the committee.
"It really brings me to tears, not just for me as someone suffering from multiple sclerosis, but as a registered nurse and for all the people that I've treated," said Elise Segal, who had testified in support of the bill earlier in the day.
"We want to thank the senators on the committee for voting for the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act," said Roseanne Scotti, director of the Drug Policy Alliance New Jersey office and a tireless campaigner in Trenton. "The bottom line is about compassion. If you or someone you love is seriously ill and none of the available medications relieved the suffering, wouldn't you want access to medical marijuana if a doctor recommended it? New Jerseyans overwhelmingly support this legislation and we are grateful to the committee for hearing their voices."
"I am pleased to see the support of the committee for Senate Bill 119," said Dr. Petro. "With passage of the legislation, patients with serious and life-threatening disorders can be offered a safe and effective alternative when conventional therapy is inadequate. The bill represents a positive step toward a rational policy regarding medical marijuana."
"I am thrilled that today members of the Senate Health Committee supported the common sense and compassionate response to suffering," said Nora Bertocci, a registered nurse and chair of the New Jersey Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, which works with sick and dying patients on a daily basis. "Medical marijuana is used very successfully in other states and in other countries. We should not be asking 'why should we legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes?' but rather 'why shouldn't we?'"
Since California led the way in 1996, 13 states have passed laws providing for the medicinal use of marijuana: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington State. Last month, Michigan voters made it the first Midwest state to join the list. If the New Jersey Assembly acts next year, it could become the first Mid-Atlantic state to join.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Thank You Jacki R. and Governor Corzine!
As someone who legally uses medical marijuana in one of the 13 medically legal states -- to help manage the often-tortuous symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (just one of the conditions Jacki R. has) -- I am thrilled Governor Corzine did his research on the subject.
I get so jazzed when Governors and other elected officials "just say no" to propaganda.
In reply to Thank You Jacki R. and Governor Corzine! by Anonymous (not verified)
EDS? Another here
And waiting to see what happens, since I'm in NJ.
Huge difference in my pain level and harmful med requirements.
Can anyone give me a pointer on where this bill is? Not up for vote yet? Haven't seen recent news.
A free country to medicate yourself with what you see fit, not to be incarcerated for it, that defines "free".
here in Iowa I hope to God
here in Iowa I hope to God and your determined hearts and minds, many friends in N J. We desperately need foreward momentum to legalize medical cannabis here in our home. I was rearended and have a broken back and three busted ribs, too. When I smoke pot it synergizes with all the opium the doctor fixes me up with and I use alot less narcotic garbage.
Please help many many others to use a more precise, less body destroyng pain controler, medical cannabis.
Our two senators are in for life and refuse to surrender the war on drugs. when they die I am going to go find theri graves and take my labored piss on tombstones of those who were so self centered and malignant as they.
drug warriors? have you no dignity at all? no shame whatsoever?? your victory is our agony. your honor is our heads hung in shame at Child Murdering Iowa hurting others once more. what? no murder from Iowa DID YOU JUST SAY IOWA DOESN'T MURDER LITTLE GIRLS? WELL, IOWA MURDERED MY LITTLE GIRL. HER NAME IS CRYSTAL LEANN MANKE AND I AM ROBERT MANKE, HER LOYAL DAD.
iowa murdered my daughter with a forced on her load of fda approved killer dope. so, just what was it that the state had for dignity? hope?
Iowa, quit being fools and hicks. legalize medical marijuana NOW
police arnt going to allow this
it will stop thiere overtime and they would have to do real police work besides daddy wants a new truck.and mo guns
Thanks for Your Support
I want to Thank all of the officials, doctors, nurses and crusaders that have participated in this cause. I have muliple sclerosis and am allergic to the traditional ABC drug treatments. I am also allergic to the prednisone they use to treat flare ups. I have tried all the pharmacudical drugs they have offered, including dronabinol, without success and sometimes suffering severe side effects.
As we are finding out about everthing else, natural is the best way to go. I get actual relief, fewer and less intense flare ups, have far less side effects and am more productive with medical marijuana use. I would love to not have the fear of use added to the already insurmountable obstacles & worries I deal with all day, every day.
I also send thanks for including licensed supply gardens in the bill. Those of us that would be eligible for medical use under this bill are really ill. The ability to care for ourselves has been significantly impaired, let alone having the strength & stamina to grow a plant properly to a medical grade. These gardens would also be able to provide specific species of the plant that work best with each individual disease.
Best of Luck to Us All in the Senate!
hemp for victory in the new era...
I'm very hopefull that this matter is taken with very open mind. For New Jersey lets not be afraid of progress making the garden state greener in revenue in a time needed the most .lets look at this in a bright green side.
How can we find out when they will pass this law?
Who can we contact about when they will be voting on this? And what leagal rights do you have in the mean time if you are arrested for possesion but yet suffer from a terminal illness listed as one of the illnesses that is helped with the marajuana?
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