LEAP Celebrates the Repeal of Alcohol Prohibition

Submitted by smorgan on
Our friends at Law Enforcement Against Prohibition have launched a campaign commemorating the 75th anniversary of the repeal of alcohol prohibition:

December, 2008 marks the 75th anniversary of the end of alcohol prohibition. You can help teach a lesson from history by asking your representatives to repeal today’s failed prohibition of drugs.

When America’s leaders repealed alcohol prohibition, it wasn't because they suddenly decided that liquor was safe and that everyone should drink. Rather, it was because they were tired of gangsters raking in rich illegal profits and terrorizing neighborhoods. And we simply could not afford to keep enforcing the failed prohibition during the Great Depression, our nation's worst economic crisis.

Today, America is in the grip of a new economic crisis, but we keep paying for an even more devastating prohibition, the "war on drugs."

Please click here to share LEAP’s message with your representatives. The effort has already generated terrific coverage from Reuters and LEAP’s press conference even made the local news on FOX. Very Cool.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/speakeasy/2008/dec/03/leap_celebrates_repeal_alcohol_p