One year ago today...

Submitted by dguard on

Dear friend:

One year ago today, Robin Prosser took her own life.

For more than 20 years, Robin, a former concert pianist and systems analyst, suffered from an autoimmune disease similar to lupus. Her muscles stiffened, impeding her ability to move, and she suffered from chronic pain, heart trouble, nausea, and migraines. She was allergic to many prescription drugs, and others simply didn't work. Only medical marijuana brought her relief, but the DEA seized her medicine. Unable to cope with the chronic pain any longer, she committed suicide on October 18, 2007.

You can watch MPP's tribute to Robin here:

Won't you please help others like Robin? On November 4, voters in Michigan will have the chance to pass a law protecting medical marijuana patients like Robin from arrest and prison. You can help ensure this measure passes, by helping to fund the campaign here.

Please stand with us and send a loud message to the federal government: No more.

Thank you,
Kampia signature (e-mail sized)

Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.

P.S. MPP would like to thank Patients & Families United for providing footage and film for the tribute video, as well as for its outstanding advocacy work on behalf of Montana's medical marijuana patients.

P.P.S. As I've mentioned in previous alerts, a major philanthropist has committed to match the first $3.0 million that MPP can raise from the rest of the planet in 2008. This means that your donation today will be doubled. (And as always, you can opt out of receiving fundraising mentions in the e-mail alerts I send you in 2008 by visiting at your convenience.)

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