Death Penalty: More Executions in China, Saudi Arabia

Submitted by Phillip Smith on (Issue #544)
Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy

Despite a global trend toward abolition of the death penalty, a number of countries continue not only to use the ultimate sanction, but to apply it to nonviolent drug offenders. The latest round-up of drug offender executions from the anti-death penalty group Hands Off Cain includes the following:

  • Chinese media reported on July 11 that 10 people were executed in central China as "heinous criminals that seriously violated social law and order." Some were executed for murder, some for drug trafficking offenses. It is unclear how many of the 10 were drug offenders.
  • China was back at it again last week, when state media reported three members of an international drug trafficking group were executed in east China. They were accused of smuggling drugs into the country. No names were given for the executed Chinese drug offenders.
  • The Saudi Arabian official news agency reported Thursday that a convicted Nigerian drug trafficker was beheaded by the sword in Mecca. Shuaib Ali Mohammed had previous drug trafficking convictions and got a death sentence for trafficking cocaine.

Hands Off Cain presented its annual report on the state of the death penalty late this week. Look for an article here next week on how things are looking in 2008 and the state of the movement to end the death penalty for drug offenses.


Joe Kellie (not verified)

I found this article extremely amusing given the name on the website STOPTHEDRUGWAR.

If the drug couriers do not get put off by the possibility of being caught and then killed then what do you think will frighten them?

I see that a drug trafficker has been sentenced to death in China and the west is appaulled stating he is mentally ill; in the UK he would be tested, found unable to stand trial and then let off. Which system is correct?

Drugs destroy the lives of the addicted, their families and end up with many deaths so if you sentence based on the impact I feel most would agree that a quick death sentence is better.

PS Spending 15 years in a Chinese jail would be a major punishment as there is no TV, Internet, Pool, little food, no medicine and basically your family have to supply everything. Possibly this would be less humain.

Mon, 10/19/2009 - 2:34pm Permalink

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