Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy
Along with our weekly in-depth Chronicle reporting, DRCNet has since late summer also been providing daily content in the way of blogging in the Stop the Drug War Speakeasy -- huge numbers of people have been reading it recently -- as well as Latest News links (upper right-hand corner of most web pages), event listings (lower right-hand corner) and other info. Check out DRCNet every day to stay on top of the drug reform game! Check out the Speakeasy main page at http://stopthedrugwar.org/speakeasy.
[inline:dc-beer-raid-small.jpg align=right caption="prohibition-era beer raid, Washington, DC (Library of Congress)"]
Since last issue:
Scott Morgan writes: "Needle Exchange Saves Lives. Why Are We Still Arguing About It?," "A Revealing Remark From the Deputy Drug Czar," "The Drug War Doesn't Reduce Drug Use. Drug Users Reduce Drug Use.," "In New Orleans, You Can Get 5 Years in Prison for a Joint of Marijuana," "Police Kill Dog During Drug Raid, Find No Drugs," "Barack Obama Proposes 'Shifting the Model' on the Drug War," "Drug Smugglers Use Hurricane for Cover."
Also featured: "Video Highlights from Vienna Drug Policy NGO Forum."
David Guard posts numerous press releases, action alerts and other organizational announcements in the In the Trenches blog.
Please join us in the Reader Blogs too.
Again, http://stopthedrugwar.org/speakeasy is the online place to stay in the loop for the fight to stop the war on drugs. Thanks for reading, and writing...
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
the real drug has never been one you buy from someone
The Mother of all drugs
There is a drug epidemic at large that few people seem to be aware of. It has been silently raging for many centuries and is responsible for many times more destruction than all of the other drugs combined. As a result of the abuse of this drug, millions of people around the world have been cast into such a state of despair and alienation that they have been driven to seek solace through the use of the other drugs and alcohol.
It is the same drug that corrupted the thinking of the first European immigrants to the Americas and helped them to rationalize the killing of over 100 million indigenous Americans. That horrendous campaign included the theft of everything from Hudson Bay to the southern tip of South America, and stands as the second worst act of genocide and terrorism ever committed on planet earth.
This is the same drug that corrupted the thinking of the European colonizers of Africa and helped them to delude themselves into thinking that what they were doing was somehow, not only excusable, but Christian. The estimated death toll to that horrendous campaign of terrorism was around 400 million souls. By far the worst crime ever to take place on this planet.
This is the same drug that corrupted the thinking of the leaders of the church in the fifteenth century and inspired them to initiate something called the Inquisition. The resulting three and a half century reign of terror(ism) was responsible for the torture and murder of well over a hundred million people on five continents.
This is the same drug that the leaders of the church were on when they and various monarchies conspired to suggest that they were infallible and omnipotent. The result was six centuries of forced ignorance now referred to as the âdark agesâ.
This is the same drug that the followers of Islam were on in centuries past when they convinced themselves that God wanted them to force their religion onto the rest of the world at the end of a sword. No-one knows how many died as a result of that campaign of religious inspired insanity because record keeping was conveniently not considered necessary.
This is the same drug that the founders of this country were on when they said that they were founding a democracy unlike anything the world had ever seen before but simultaneously declared that it was perfectly acceptable to deprive the vast majority of their constituents the right to vote and even buy and sell others like cattle. Had they not had their reasoning clouded by this drug they would have understood that a democracy differs from all other forms of government by the fact that they, the government, exist to serve their citizens, instead of the existing to find reasons to deprive the citizenry of their god given rights.
This is the same drug that twists the thinking of the current world leaders into continually devoting ever increasing proportions of our resources towards the development of weapons of mass destruction and the perpetuation of un-ending wars around the world. Meanwhile tens of millions starve to death annually for lack of less than a dollars worth of food per day.
Please take note of the irony of the present day situation. The very same people, i.e. the pseudo-Christian and their neo-monarchist accomplices who have, throughout history, been responsible for the most horrible acts of genocide and theft that the world has ever seen are now telling us that it is necessary for them to implement an even more repressive right wing totalitarian state. According to their conveniently twisted âlogicâ, somehow it is the fault of the people that they have been systematically exploiting century after century, and therefore it is now their duty to strip us of any last vestige of Democracy âfor our own goodâ and to subjugate us even more intensely. Unfortunately, this is just another example of the very twisted logic that our pseudo-democratic, power addicted, pseudo-Christian governments have been so well known for throughout the ages.
This is the drug that presently perverts the thinking of most of our current world leaders and makes them blind to the fact that the real culprit is now and has always been their abuse of power. The simple fact is that there is a very easy way to make most of the terrorism, crime and sufferings in the world disappear without killing anyone, and that is to simply initiate an actual democracy and begin to serve all of the people instead of just the rich and powerful. It is that simple but kindness and generosity doesnât put power and wealth (their drug of choice) into the hands of the rich and greedy and that is why that option is continually overlooked.
As you can see the fault lies in our government, church and corporate leaders who are all addicted to the âmother of all drugsâ and are in an ongoing state of denial. In many ways we, the worldsâ people, are guilty of allowing ourselves of being manipulated. Like the country bumpkin who is met on the way to town every month and allows himself to be swindled by the same group of thugs who victimize him through the use of a slightly different version of the same scam time after time. We continually allow the people who are supposed to be protecting us from tyranny to function as the criminal organizations that have always been responsible for the worst acts of tyranny and genocide that the world has ever witnessed.
It is time for the citizens of planet earth to figure out who the addicts are and what the real drug is.
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