Hope Unlimited San Diego Cannabis Support Group Meeting
Hope Unlimited San Diego Cannabis Support Group is proud to welcome Jeff W. Jones, Executive Director of the Patient ID Center (PIDC) -- formerly known as Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative (OCBC) -- to our July 24th meeting!
Free food - come meet other patients, growers, caregivers, friends, family of the San Diego medical cannabis community! This is a relaxed, chill place to make new friends, learn about San Diego cannabis politics, how to get involved, MEETING A CAREGIVER, GROWER...some of many possibilities at a Hope meeting!
The goal of PIDC is to provide seriously ill patients with a safe and reliable source of medical cannabis information and patient support. Our cooperative is open to all patients with a verifiable letter of recommendation for medical cannabis used to alleviate or terminate the effects of their illnesses. The PIDC is currently unable to dispense medical cannabis due to federal court order -- this ruling is currently under appeal and we will post updates as they become available.
Federal statutes currently prohibit the use of cannabis as medicine. However, scientific evidence, including anecdotal evidence, documents the relief that cannabis provides to many seriously ill patients. The cooperative is dedicated to reducing the harm these patients encounter due to the prohibition of cannabis.
PIDC's offices are multi-faceted facilities, accessible to people with disabilities. We provide a professional atmosphere for patients to obtain photo ID cards qualifing them under the Health and Safety Code section 11362.5, with trained member advocates on hand to offer advice and assistance. We also offer self-help services such as cultivation meetings and massage therapy by appointment. In addition, PIDC provides information on a variety of topics, including AIDS prevention and treatment, safe sex, and cannabis reform in general. (See our calendar.)
The Patient ID Center currently operates under the auspices of California Proposition 215 and Oakland City Council Resolution No. 72516. Resolution 72516, and pursurant to Oakland Municpal Ordinance 8.42. Furthermore, the city has appointed a working group to oversee PIDC functions and to determine the most effective means to protect and assist seriously ill patients.
For more information, see: www.hopeisunlimited.blogspot.com & www.hopeforfree.blogspot.com, or contact [email protected] or 414.418.0140.
The Old Mille Cafe (formerly Lumberjack Grille)
3949 North Ohio Street (in the North Park neighborhood)
San Diego, CA
United States
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