Help Needed: Drug War Chronicle Seeking Cases of Informant Abuse

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #540)
Drug War Issues

Many of our readers know about the tragic case of Rachel Hoffman, a 23-year-old in Tallahassee, Florida, who was killed by drug dealers after police coerced her into acting as an informant without having access to an attorney. Drug War Chronicle is currently looking for cases, reported or unreported, in which police appear to have committed misconduct or made serious misjudgments in their treatment of informants.

If you can help us find such cases, please email David Borden at [email protected]. We will keep your name and personal information confidential unless you tell us otherwise. If you are uncomfortable sending this information by email, feel free to contact us by phone instead; our office number is (202) 293-8340, and you can speak or leave a message with David Borden or David Guard. Thank you in advance for your help.

Further information on the informant issue, including the Rachel Hoffman case, can be found in our category archive here.


Anonymous (not verified)

An interesting case of an informant abusing his handlers is illustrated here in The Cleveland Plain Dealer where an informant used his role to eliminate his competition and exact revenge upon his enemies.

There's also a link at my site "The Crack Hound Daily"

--The Crack Hound

Sun, 06/22/2008 - 6:13pm Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

hey i dont have a story on informant abuse but my story is quick my buddy got pulled over. the cops searched us found an ounce of marijuana on my buddy. so they put him in the bback of the police car and shut the cameras off to speak to me. they new me from prior incidents. and the went into this speach. hey we know you know where the drugs are coming from its ok to tell us its time to tell us and come to jesus. come to jesus they said i was like this is not right.
thats about the shortest virsion i got

Thu, 06/26/2008 - 1:44am Permalink

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