California Three Strikes Law and the NORA Initiative
This November California voters will have the opportunity to vote for the largest prison and sentencing reform in US history. The Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act (NORA), sponsored by the Drug Policy Alliance Network, will significantly and safely reduce the size of the prison population, dramatically expand access to drug treatment and rehabilitation services and implement a public health approach to our drug problems.
In addition to an introduction to NORA, the workshop will give a brief history of the 3-strikes law and discuss the fallacies related to the lawâs efficacy; present examples of how the law has devastated thousands of lives; and demonstrate how the fight to cripple the law is really a step towards correcting the larger problem of over incarceration and prison expansion.
Presented by Geri Silva, Executive Director of Families to Amend Three Strikes and Margaret Dooley-Sammuli, Deputy State Director, So Cal, Drug Policy Alliance Network.
This event is part of the L.A. Social Forum's Prison Nation Workshops.
For more information, contact [email protected].
William Grant Still Arts Center
2520 West View Street
Los Angeles, CA
United States
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