Japanese Customs Hid 5 oz. of Marijuana in Passenger's Bag, Now They Can't Find It

Submitted by smorgan on
If you've flown through Japan recently, you might wanna double check your bags for an extra souvenir:
TOKYO (AFP) — An unsuspecting passenger who flew to Tokyo is carrying one million yen's worth of cannabis compliments of customs authorities after a sniffer dog failed a test, officials said Monday.

An officer at Narita International Airport on Sunday stuffed 142 grams (five ounces) of the drug into the side pocket of a randomly selected black suitcase coming off an overseas flight so that the animal could detect it.

"The dog couldn't find it and the officer also forgot which bag he put it in," a customs office spokeswoman said.

"If by some chance passengers find it in their suitcase, we're asking them to return it," she said.

Seriously, if they wanted it returned, they should've refrained from announcing that it's worth a million yen.

This whole fiasco reflects terribly on Japanese drug enforcement, but also on Japanese marijuana, which was valued at nearly $2,000 an ounce, but apparently didn't smell very interesting.

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/speakeasy/2008/may/27/japanese_customs_hid_5_oz_mariju