Web Scan

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #521)

Caught with a Bag of Weed? It Could Cost You More Than You Think, Paul Armentano for Alternet

Also from Paul Armentano, Emerging Clinical Applications For Cannabis & Cannabinoids: A Review of the Recent Scientific Literature, 2000-2008, NORML web site

Controlling Illegal Stimulants: a Regulated Market Model, Mark Haden in the Harm Reduction Journal -- see http://www.markhaden.com for more articles on this topic

The Year is 2022 and Drugs are Legal, Transform's Steve Rolles in DrugLink, UK

The State of Sentencing 2007 -- Developments in Policy and Practice, report by Ryan King for the Sentencing Project

Rethinking Retributivist Thought Experiments: An Abolitionist Critique, Nathan Hanna of Syracuse University, Working Paper Series, Social Science Research Network

Substance Abuse Treatment and Public Safety, Maryland report by the Justice Policy Institute

Breaking the Narco-State, former UN ambassador Richard Holbrooke, on the disastrous US drug policies in Afghanistan, New York Sun

Poverty and Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan: Open Letter to UNODC and Reply, top Afghanistan scholar Barnett Rubin challenges UN drug chief Costa on Afghanistan claims

International CURE, first issue of new international prison reform newsletter

Olsen v. Mukasey, Rutherford Institute helping with religious use of marijuana case (scroll to near bottom of page)

Drug Warrior's Shadow Looms Over California's Pot Clubs, Steve Wishnia on an ominous California federal prosecutor pick, Alternet

America's Love-Hate Relationship with Drugs, Dr. Bruce Levine on Alternet

report on the 1st North American meeting, International Network of People Who Use Drugs, New Orleans

first issue of the Syringe Exchange Program Technical Assistance Newsletter, from the Harm Reduction Coalition's Syringe Access Expansion Project

defender resources for crack sentencing retroactivity implementation, on the Sentencing Law and Policy blog

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Source URL: https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2008/feb/01/web_scan