Feedback: Do You Read Drug War Chronicle?
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An important contribution to building public awareness
Hi, my name is Ralph Moritz and I've been reading the Chronicle for a few weeks now. I found out about the site through Pete Guither's blog, I live in South Africa where we don't, to my knowledge, currently have a "war on drugs". The police here regularly conduct raids at nightclubs, slash-n-burn cannabis crops, and go to schools to intimidate children - and while that's all pretty bad stuff, it pales in comparison to the SWAT-style raids and harassment that people in the US have to deal with.
Reading the Chronicle has really opened my eyes to the gross violations of civil liberties and outright bullying (even murder) that the drug war has created. I just don't understand how the world's model democracy could have fallen so far. I mean, seriously, let's not mince words - the drug war is really a war on civil liberties. What I find really strange is that most Americans seem blissfully unaware they are living in what has essentially become a police state.
I'm scared the US will export its drug war to my country, and along with it, the loss of freedoms and destruction of life & property that it brings with it. Mass-produced culture is the US's major export to the rest of the world. We soak up the movies, music, TV shows, clothing - even attitudes. South African prison gangs, for example, have modelled themselves after their US counterparts. They fight little west/east coast wars on the streets & in their cells. The last thing South Africans need is American attitudes on drugs to entrench themselves in our society. I don't want to be arrested for growing a plant or smoking its buds. I don't want to be shot by an overzealous police thug in a no-knock raid.
The Drug War Chronicle has shown me that tyranny is alive and well in the world today - and right under our noses too!
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